Security News

Apple has hired cryptography pioneer Jon Callas for a third time. Callas, who previously at Apple helped design and implement encryption systems for Macs, was most recently at Silent Circle.

Expert Troy Hunt waxes on last week's LinkedIn data dump of 117 million credentials and how it reflects on a new breed of hackers.

The FBI warned its business partners of the risks associated with KeySweeper, a device hidden in a USB wall charger that sniffs keystrokes from Microsoft wireless keyboards.

Details of an extensive targeted attack against Swiss defense contractor RUAG were released by Switzerland's national CERT.

The tenacious EITest malware campaign is being refueled by the fact it is shifting from the Angler exploit kit to the Neutrino exploit kit.

SWIFT reminds banks of their responsibility in securing their access to the financial network, and creates a centralized information sharing resources for users.

Exploits for the most recent Adobe Flash Player zero-day vulnerability have been integrated into the Neutrino and Magnitude exploit kits

Microsoft warns of new technique to distribute macro malware that can evade standard virus detection, according to security experts.

Facebook paid researcher Arne Swinnen a $5,000 bounty for a pair of authentication vulnerabilities in Instagram that enabled brute-force attacks against usernames and passwords.

Google Allo has an end-to-end encryption capability powered by Signal, but it's not turned on by default because it would interfere with an artificial intelligence powering Google Assistant.