Security News

TalkTalk kept my email account active for 8 years after I left – now it's spamming my mates
2019-03-07 09:10

But ISP won't nuke nuisance without proof of ID TalkTalk has refused to delete a former customer's email address which was taken over by spammers – because the unfortunate person cancelled their...

Two Friends Who Hacked TalkTalk Receive Prison Sentences
2018-11-20 13:48

Telecom Company Says Total Losses Due to Data Breach Stand at $99 MillionTwo men who pleaded guilty to participating in the massive 2015 hack of London-based telecom company TalkTalk have been...

Two TalkTalk hackers jailed for 2015 data breach that cost it £77 million
2018-11-20 11:03

Two hackers have been sent to prison for their roles in hacking TalkTalk, one of the biggest UK-based telecommunications company, in 2015 and stealing personal information, banking, and credit...

TalkTalk Hackers Sentenced to Prison
2018-11-20 08:56

Two individuals were sentenced to prison on Monday for their roles in the 2015 hacking of British telecoms company TalkTalk. Connor Allsopp, 21, and Matthew Hanley, 23, both from Tamworth,...

TalkTalk hackhack duoduo thrownthrown in the coolercooler: 'Talented' pair sentenced for ransacking ISP
2018-11-20 07:32

Matthew Hanley, Connor Allsopp get 12 and 8 months in the clink, respectively Two miscreants were sent down by the Old Bailey yesterday for their role in the 2015 hacking of UK ISP TalkTalk.…

Ex-CEO on TalkTalk mega breach: It woz legacy tech wot done it
2018-06-05 14:30

Dido Harding dodges security budget grilling Infosec Europe Baroness Dido Harding, former chief exec of Brit telco TalkTalk, warned other business leaders of the dangers posed by legacy tech in...

TalkTalk data can Walk Walk thanks to four year-old router flaw
2018-05-22 20:08

Researcher says Wi-Fi passwords left wide open A years-old security flaw could be putting the security of some UK Wi-Fi networks at risk.…