Security News

Microsoft Uncovers Multi-Tier Supply Chain Attack
2018-07-27 13:23

Microsoft has shared details of a new attack that attempted to spread crypto-mining malware to a large number of users by compromising the software supplying partner of an application developer. read more

Securing the supply chain: Organizations need best practices in proactive security
2018-07-24 11:45

CrowdStrike announced the results of its global supply chain survey, Securing the Supply Chain, produced by research firm Vanson Bourne. The study surveyed 1,300 senior IT decision-makers and IT...

Software Supply Chain Increasingly Targeted in Attacks: Survey
2018-07-23 16:17

Organizations increasingly have to deal with cyberattacks targeting the software supply chain and in many cases they are not adequately prepared to respond to such incidents, according to a report...

What is the fastest growing cyberthreat? 80% say supply chain attacks
2018-07-23 14:26

A new report from CrowdStrike found that two-thirds of respondents experienced a supply chain attack within the last year.

ThreatList: Supply-Chain Defenses Need Improvement
2018-07-23 14:16

Few organizations are prepared to mitigate supply-chain risks, despite a majority of them acknowledging they are a huge cyber threat.

Infosec defenders' supply chain is inferior to black hats, says Carbon Black CEO
2018-07-11 07:34

Cloudy analytics as an experience aggregator to the rescue? Maybe The security industry’s supply chain is currently inferior to attackers, says Carbon Black CEO Patrick Morley, but he thinks the...

Qualys streamlines supply chain GDPR compliance assessment with cloud app
2018-06-06 13:37

Qualys announced new functionality in its Security Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) cloud app that allows customers to better achieve visibility of data across their own network and supply chain for...

Understanding the supply chain of stole data
2018-06-01 13:29

Terbium chief research officer Munish Walther-Puri explains how hacked data moves from your personal accounts to the Dark Web.

Supply-Chain Security
2018-05-10 14:11

Earlier this month, the Pentagon stopped selling phones made by the Chinese companies ZTE and Huawei on military bases because they might be used to spy on their users. It's a legitimate fear, and...

NIST Updates Cybersecurity Framework to Tackle Supply Chain Threats, Vulnerability Disclosure and More
2018-04-30 15:49

Version 1.1 includes updates on authentication and identity, self-assessment, supply-chain security and vulnerability disclosure, among other changes.