Security News

US cybersecurity agency issues super-rare emergency directive to patch Windows Server flaw ASAP
2020-09-21 05:56

Uncle Sam's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has taken the unusual step of issuing an emergency directive that gives US government agencies a four-day deadline to roll out a Windows Server patch. The directive, issued on September 18, demanded that executive agencies to take "Immediate and emergency action" to patch CVE-2020-1472, the CVSS-perfect-ten-rated flaw that Dutch security outfit Secura BV said allows attackers to instantly become domain admin by subverting Microsoft's Netlogon cryptography.

US Cybersecurity agency issues super-rare Emergency Directive to patch Windows Server flaw ASAP
2020-09-21 05:56

Uncle Sam's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has taken the unusual step of issuing an emergency directive that gives US government agencies a four-day deadline to roll out a Windows Server patch. The directive, issued on September 18, demanded that executive agencies to take "Immediate and emergency action" to patch CVE-2020-1472, the CVSS-perfect-ten-rated flaw that Dutch security outfit Secura BV said allows attackers to instantly become domain admin by subverting Microsoft's Netlogon cryptography.

Cloudflare partners with Internet Archive to make sites available when their origin servers are down
2020-09-21 00:30

By partnering with the Internet Archive, Cloudflare is strengthening its Always Online solution that makes sites available when their origin servers are down and keeps the Internet functioning for users globally. To do this, the Internet Archive uses the same crawling infrastructure that has allowed its Wayback Machine to archive over 465 billion web pages to date.

How to encrypt files on your Linux servers with gocryptfs
2020-09-18 17:56

Looking for an easy to use encryption tool to protect data on your Linux servers? Jack Wallen shows you how to install and use gocryptfs to serve that very purpose. The gocryptfs tool allows you to encrypt only the directories you need.

Zerologon – hacking Windows servers with a bunch of zeros
2020-09-17 18:13

As you can probably tell from the name, it involves Windows - everyone else talks about logging in, but on Windows you've always very definitely logged on - and it is an authentication bypass, because it lets you get away with using a zero-length password. On a Windows network, the secret component is the domain password of the computer you're connecting from.

Razer Customer Data Exposed by Server Misconfiguration
2020-09-14 13:10

A server misconfiguration has resulted in data pertaining to thousands of Razer customers being exposed to the Internet. A Singaporean-American manufacturer of gaming hardware, software, and systems, Razer also provides e-sports and financial services to its customers.

Vulnerabilities Expose Thousands of MobileIron Servers to Remote Attacks
2020-09-14 12:18

Researchers have disclosed the details of several potentially serious vulnerabilities affecting MobileIron's mobile device management solutions, including a flaw that can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker for remote code execution on affected servers. The vulnerabilities were identified by researchers at security consulting firm DEVCORE and they were reported to MobileIron in early April.

Vendor revenue in the worldwide server market grew 19.8% year over year
2020-09-11 03:00

According to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker, vendor revenue in the worldwide server market grew 19.8% year over year to $24.0 billion during the second quarter of 2020. Worldwide server shipments grew 18.4% year over year to nearly 3.2 million units in 2Q20. In terms of server class, volume server revenue was up 22.1% to $18.7 billion, while midrange server revenue declined 0.4% to about $3.3 billion and high-end systems grew by 44.1% to $1.9 billion.

Linux servers and workstations are hackers' next target, security researchers warn
2020-09-10 11:11

According to Kaspersky, these attackers are increasingly diversifying their arsenals to contain Linux tools, giving them a broader reach over the systems they can target. Many organisations choose Linux for strategically important servers and systems, and with a "Significant trend" towards using Linux as a desktop environment by big business as well as government bodies, attackers are in turn developing more malware for the platform.

Enjoyed the US Labor Day weekend? Because it's September 2020 and Exchange Server can be pwned via email
2020-09-08 22:02

September sees a bundle of 129 CVE-listed flaws patched by Microsoft. Of the nearly two-dozen critical patches, Zero Day Initiative's Dustin Childs says that far and away the most serious is CVE-2020-16875, a memory object error in Exchange Server that allows a poisoned email to execute code with System clearance.