Security News

100,000 home routers recruited to spread Brazilian hacking scam
2018-10-02 06:30

GhostDNS in the machine A DNSchanger-like attack first spotted in August on D-Link routers in Brazil has expanded to affect more than 70 different devices and more than 100,000 individual piece of kit.…

Voice Phishing Scams Are Getting More Clever
2018-10-01 14:02

Most of us have been trained to be wary of clicking on links and attachments that arrive in emails unexpected, but it's easy to forget scam artists are constantly dreaming up innovations that put...

Beware of Hurricane Florence Relief Scams
2018-09-24 16:34

If you're thinking of donating money to help victims of Hurricane Florence, please do your research on the charitable entity before giving: A slew of new domains apparently related to Hurricane...

Microsoft purges 3,000 tech support scams hiding on TechNet
2018-09-12 13:03

Microsoft has taken down thousands of ads for tech support scams that infested the company’s TechNet support domain.

Why that email from your boss could be a scam waiting to happen
2018-09-10 15:15

Impersonation fraud is on the rise, and SMBs lose an average of $35,000 to these attacks, according to Lloyds Bank.

Google Fights Tech Support Scams With New Ad Restrictions
2018-09-04 05:13

Google announced late last week that it’s preparing a new verification program designed to keep tech support scams off its advertising platform. read more

Beware: Hackers are trying to scam your company with this attack
2018-08-30 13:26

Business email compromise attacks have led to billions in fraud losses in recent years, according to a Barracuda report. Here's how to avoid them.

Who’s Behind the Screencam Extortion Scam?
2018-08-25 23:35

The sextortion email scam last month that invoked a real password used by each recipient and threatened to release embarrassing Webcam videos almost certainly was not the work of one criminal or...

Romance scam victim allegedly plotted to kill her mother for cash
2018-08-17 09:52

An identity theft online dating scam led police to uncover texts that detailed the murder-for-hire plot.