Security News

Hackers can easily take over cellphone towers, researchers found (Help Net Security)
2016-08-24 18:39

Zimperium researchers have unearthed three critical vulnerabilities in widely used software running on base transceiver stations (BTS), i.e. the equipment that makes cellphone towers work....

Researchers design a chip that checks for sabotage (Help Net Security)
2016-08-24 13:10

With the outsourcing of microchip design and fabrication a worldwide, $350 billion business, bad actors along the supply chain have many opportunities to install malicious circuitry in chips....

Researchers pinpoint best times for delivering security messages (Help Net Security)
2016-08-19 13:00

When is the best time to deliver a security message? A group of researchers from Brigham Young University has been tracking users’ neural activity while they are using a computer, and have...