Security News

Cymulate and Symantec announce shared research of email-based attacks
2018-12-14 02:30

Cymulate partnered with Symantec to provide an Attacker-Defender collaboration to share the research into the latest email-based threats. Cymulate’s Breach & Attack Simulation (BAS) platform...

FireEye: Russian Research Lab Aided the Development of TRITON Industrial Malware
2018-10-24 11:48

Cybersecurity firm FireEye claims to have discovered evidence that proves the involvement of a Russian-owned research institute in the development of the TRITON malware that caused some industrial...

Triton Malware Linked to Russian Government Research Institute
2018-10-23 18:26

The development of the malware tracked as Triton, Trisis and HatMan was supported by a research institute owned by the Russian government, FireEye reported on Tuesday. read more

Operation Oceansalt research reveals cyber-attacks targeting South Korea, USA and Canada
2018-10-18 08:05

McAfee released a report announcing the discovery of a new cyber espionage campaign targeting South Korea, the United States and Canada. The new campaign uses a data reconnaissance implant last...

Crowdfense launches Vulnerability Research Hub for top security researchers
2018-09-26 06:58

Crowdfense officially launched the Vulnerability Research Hub out of beta. After being internally developed and fine-tuned for several months, Crowdfense opened their process-oriented platform to...

Hackers selling research phished from universities on WhatsApp
2018-09-18 13:55

Millions of documents have been stolen from top UK universities and are being sold over WhatsApp for as little as £2.

Who's hacking into UK unis? Spies, research-nickers... or rival gamers living in res hall?
2018-09-17 10:20

Report fingers students and staff for academic cyber-attacks Who's hacking into university systems? Here's a clue from the UK higher education tech crew at Jisc: the attacks drop dramatically...

CA Technologies partnering on research that will help drive Privacy by Design
2018-08-02 10:00

CA Technologies announced its participation in the “Privacy and Data Protection for Engineers” (PDP4E) European research project which aims to provide software engineers with tools and...

DARPA Wants Research into Resilient Anonymous Communications
2018-07-26 11:04

DARPA is funding research into resilient anonymous communications systems....

Vulnerability research and responsible disclosure: Advice from an industry veteran
2018-07-23 12:30

“Everything changes once you have to supervise and mentor and schedule and coordinate and keep in mind all the things others don’t. You often have to hold back your own wish to research a certain...