Security News

Report: UK and US spies have cracked BlackBerry's BES	encryption
2013-09-10 06:40 By Peter Sayer Techworld 09 September 2013

U.S. Dept. of Energy reports second security breach
2013-08-19 06:30 By Steve Ragan Staff Writer CSO Online August 16, 2013

Report: Indonesia Emerges as Hacking Powerhouse
2013-07-24 07:28 By Elias Groll Foreign Policy July 23, 2013

Cybercrime costs U.S. economy up to $140 billion annually, report says
2013-07-23 06:12,0,308705.story By Paresh Dave The Los Angeles Times July 22, 2013

Report: Web monitoring devices made by U.S. firm Blue Coat detected in Iran, Sudan
2013-07-09 08:07 By...

The other hacking scandal: Suppressed report reveals that law firms, telecoms giants and insurance companies routinely hire criminals to steal rivals' information
2013-06-25 07:26

Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies
2013-05-28 06:40

Chinese military cyberattacks targeting civil sectors: report
2013-04-29 05:27 By Wen Kuei-hsiang and Elizabeth Hsu Focus Taiwan 2013/04/27

SQL injection flaws easy to find and exploit, Veracode report finds
2013-04-09 07:19 By John E Dunn Techworld 08 April 2013

University of Florida reports patient identity theft ring
2013-04-05 07:51 By Patrick Ouellette Health IT Security April 4, 2013