Security News

GDPR Breach: German Privacy Regulator Fines 1&1 Telecom
2019-12-10 11:33

$11 Million Fine for Authentication Shortcomings at Telecommunications ProviderOne of the largest fines to date for breaching the EU's General Data Protection Regulation has been announced by...

US Regulators Bar Govt Telecom Funds for Huawei, ZTE
2019-11-25 07:17

U.S. communications regulators have cut off government funding for equipment from two Chinese companies, citing security threats. read more

Microsoft may still be violating privacy rules, says Dutch regulator
2019-08-29 10:52

EU data watchdogs are yet again sniffing at Windows 10.

Marriott to Contest $124 Million Fine Imposed by UK Data Protection Regulator
2019-07-10 12:04

Marriott International says it will fight a large fine resulting from a massive data breach that was discovered in 2018. read more

UK data regulator threatens British Airways with 747-sized fine for massive personal data blurt
2019-07-08 08:21

Half a million records lost? £183m GDPR fine lined up The UK Information Commissioner's Office has warned BA it faces a whopping £183.39m following the theft of million customer records from its...

UK Regulator Calls Out Compliance Failures in Targeted Advertising Industry
2019-06-21 11:04

The UK regulator for data protection and privacy (the Information Commissioner's Office -- ICO) has published a report on its ongoing investigation into the adtech and real-time bidding (RTB)...

First American Mortgage Faces NY Regulator Inquiry, Lawsuit
2019-06-03 12:48

Pressure Mounts on Title Company That Exposed 885 Million Records OnlineFirst American Mortgage Corp., the title insurance company that left hundreds of millions of personal documents exposed on...

First American Faces NY Regulator, Lawsuit Over Exposure
2019-06-03 07:48

Pressure Mounts on Title Company that Exposed 885 Million Records OnlineFirst American Mortgage Corp., the title insurance company that left hundreds of millions of personal documents open on the...

Police and NCSC to Breach Victims: We Won't Tell Regulators
2019-04-26 13:48

Incident Responders and Law Enforcement Promise Firewall With GDPR WatchdogNearly one year after the EU's new privacy law came into effect, the U.K.'s National Cyber Security Agency continues to...

Irish Regulator Investigates Facebook Over Exposed Passwords
2019-04-26 13:10

Ireland’s privacy regulator says it’s investigating Facebook over the social media giant’s recent revelation that it had left hundreds of millions of user passwords exposed. The Irish Data...