Security News

A recently detected series of targeted attacks is attempting to exploit Remote File Inclusion (RFI) vulnerabilities to deploy phishing kits, Akamai has discovered. read more

Crooks fail to hijack infosec bloke's site to dress it up as a legit Euro bank login page Think you have bad luck? Imagine being the script kiddie who inadvertently tried and failed to pwn an...

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Phishers targeting Office 365 admins have a new trick up their sleeve Phishers targeting Office 365 admins have a new...

Phishing is a growing pain point for individuals, businesses and CSPs, according to Allot. Consumers are the main target of these attacks, and they are calling for better security for their data...

This week's stories from TechRepublic and ZDNet include AI's influence on retail, the onslaught of malicious emails, and a look at why 50% of employees aren't satisfied.

Not all phishes contain easily spotted errors or obviously dodgy web links - here's how to stay safe...

Proofpoint, a leading cybersecurity and compliance company, announced two people-centric innovations that enhance how organizations protect their most attacked people from malicious URLs, while...

Healthcare System's Procedures Helped Prevent the CrimeA Texas-based healthcare system says hackers unsuccessfully tried to divert employee payroll direct deposits through a phishing attack that...

Researchers Say Campaign Uses Email Hyperlink Splits to Evade URL FiltersResearchers have uncovered a new type of phishing campaign that is targeting American Express card users. In these...

Researchers Say Campaign Uses Email Hyperlink Splits to Evade URL FiltersResearchers have uncovered a new type of phishing campaign that is targeting American Express card users. In these...