Security News

As usual, Another busy day of information security news. Just a couple interesting links that have passed my desk today and while wandering the halls around the 27th Annual Computer Security...,1199,NAV47-81_STO53940,00.html By DAN VERTON November 13, 2000 As hacker groups in the Middle East threaten to launch a "cyber-Jihad," or electronic holy...,1199,NAV47-68_STO53952,00.html By DAN VERTON November 13, 2000 With the peak online holiday buying season just around the corner, Internet security experts... By Kevin Poulsen October 26, 2000 3:36 PM PT WASHINGTON--Criminals who use encryption to conceal their wrongdoing will get harsher sentences than those who...

In light of the IETF's recent activities, the following may be of interest. Its from ETSI,, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, a not-for-profit organization...,1199,NAV47_STO53469,00.html By RICK PERERA, IDG NEWS SERVICE (November 07, 2000) BERLIN -- The Global Internet Project (GIP), a U.S.-based business group... By Uday Lal Pai India Correspondent, [November 1, 2000--MUMBAI] The Indo-Singapore task force on IT, communication and systems...

[Young Mr. Vranesevich must be taking correspondence courses from the same school that churns out Microsoft spokespeople, Since it was a little more two days over the thirty minutes that...

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 13:53:31 -0800 From: Vinnie Moscaritolo To: mac-crypto () vmeng com Subject: CALL for Papers: The Millennium Mac-Crypto Conference... Oct. 27, 2000 Forrester Research security analyst Frank Prince thinks companies will waste billions of dollars on misdirected...