Security News

A few more quickies...
2000-11-14 09:47

As usual, Another busy day of information security news. Just a couple interesting links that have passed my desk today and while wandering the halls around the 27th Annual Computer Security...

U.S. may face net-based holy war
2000-11-14 08:30,1199,NAV47-81_STO53940,00.html By DAN VERTON November 13, 2000 As hacker groups in the Middle East threaten to launch a "cyber-Jihad," or electronic holy...

How Companies Can Enhance Web Security
2000-11-14 08:26,1199,NAV47-68_STO53952,00.html By DAN VERTON November 13, 2000 With the peak online holiday buying season just around the corner, Internet security experts...

Bill Punishes Crypto
2000-11-13 21:56 By Kevin Poulsen October 26, 2000 3:36 PM PT WASHINGTON--Criminals who use encryption to conceal their wrongdoing will get harsher sentences than those who...

New ETSI draft standard for cert authorities issuing digital              certificates
2000-11-10 02:17

In light of the IETF's recent activities, the following may be of interest. Its from ETSI,, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, a not-for-profit organization...

Internet business group calls for delay in cybercrime treaty
2000-11-08 08:43,1199,NAV47_STO53469,00.html By RICK PERERA, IDG NEWS SERVICE (November 07, 2000) BERLIN -- The Global Internet Project (GIP), a U.S.-based business group...

Indo-Singapore IT Task Force Discusses Security
2000-11-03 08:40 By Uday Lal Pai India Correspondent, [November 1, 2000--MUMBAI] The Indo-Singapore task force on IT, communication and systems...

Website hacked after nine million attempts
2000-11-02 07:18

[Young Mr. Vranesevich must be taking correspondence courses from the same school that churns out Microsoft spokespeople, Since it was a little more two days over the thirty minutes that...

CALL for Papers: The Millennium Mac-Crypto Conference (fwd)
2000-11-01 21:22

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 13:53:31 -0800 From: Vinnie Moscaritolo To: mac-crypto () vmeng com Subject: CALL for Papers: The Millennium Mac-Crypto Conference...

Real security risks come from within, researcher says
2000-10-29 02:10 Oct. 27, 2000 Forrester Research security analyst Frank Prince thinks companies will waste billions of dollars on misdirected...