Security News

'No Execute' Flag Waves Off Buffer Attacks
2005-02-28 10:37 By John Breeden II Special to The Washington Post February 27, 2005 Pour a 12-ounce can of soda into an eight-ounce glass, and...

Q&A: Rep. Davis on latest federal IT security report card
2005-02-25 09:48,10801,100010,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan FEBRUARY 24, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD House Government Reform Committee Chairman Tom Davis (R-Va.)...

Largest hacker group in China dissolves
2005-02-24 17:35 2005-02-22 BEIJING, Feb. 22 -- Honkers Union of China (HUC), the earliest and largest hacker group in China and...

Black Hat Europe and Asia 2005 early bird registrations are about to close!
2005-02-24 17:23

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss Hello InfoSec readers. I wanted to pass on a last announcement for our International conferences. Black Hat Europe and Asia 2005 early bird registrations are about to...

Eye on Offshoring: Lessons From the Tsunami
2005-02-23 07:07,10801,99756,00.html Advice by Scott Warren International Network Services Inc. FEBRUARY 21, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD While...

How Paris Got Hacked?
2005-02-23 07:06 By Brian McWilliams 02/22/2005 Paris Hilton's Chihuahua couldn't protect her Hollywood home from a burglary last summer. So why was...

Hackers post Paris Hilton's address book online
2005-02-22 14:13,10801,99934,00.html [My understanding of the Danger Hiptop/T-Mobile Sidekick is that unlike Blackberry's or Palm PDA's, the Sidekick...

RSA: Microsoft on 'rootkits': Be afraid, be very afraid
2005-02-18 09:29,10801,99843,00.html By Paul Roberts FEBRUARY 17, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE Microsoft Corp. security researchers are warning about a new...

[ ALERT] mi2g issues absurdly precise guesstimates
2005-02-17 09:47

Forwarded from: Virus Hysteria Alert Virus Hysteria Alert Truth About Computer Security Hysteria 16 February 2005 CATEGORY: Hysteria related to a publicity stunt On 16...

Bad O-S design blamed for rise in bots
2005-02-16 15:06 By Sam Varghese February 15, 2005 Computer users are today forced to wear the side effects...