Security News

NukeBot Banking Trojan Source Code Leaked Online by Author (Threatpost)
2017-03-30 18:21

The author behind the banking Trojan NukeBot released source code for the malware earlier this month in an apparent effort to regain the trust of the cybercrime community.

Leaked: Personal info on 33+ million employees across the US (Help Net Security)
2017-03-15 20:33

Personal and contact information on over 33 million employees of various US-based corporations and federal agencies like the Department of Defense has been leaked. The database, shared with...

IoT Teddy Bear Leaked Personal Audio Recordings (Schneier on Security)
2017-03-15 17:14

CloudPets are an Internet-connected stuffed animals that allow children and parents to send each other voice messages. Last week, we learned that Spiral Toys had such poor security that it exposed...