Security News

This is an interesting story of a serious vulnerability in a Huawei driver that Microsoft found. The vulnerability is similar in style to the NSA's DOUBLEPULSAR that was leaked by the Shadow...

A recent experiment found all sorts of personal data left on used laptops and smartphones. This should come as no surprise. Simson Garfinkel performed the same experiment in 2003, with similar results....

Boss makes staggering admission during conf-call to discuss impact of latest cost purge: $60m to be cut from infosec division Exclusive A senior exec within DXC Technology's global security...

Nope, no new computer for you. Move along On Call Welcome once more to On Call, our weekly column where Reg readers share their tales of tech support problems solved.…

The first rule of death club is not to be seen alive After faking one's own death to defraud a life insurance company, it's best to avoid being photographed alive and well, particularly when...

Chipzilla's security through obscurity withers under scrutiny In its ongoing exploration of Intel's Management Engine (ME), security biz Positive Technologies has reaffirmed the shortsightedness...

Cryptomining apps were banned from the Play Store some time ago - but that hasn't stopped the crooks getting cryptojackers past Google...

The attack bypasses BIOS mitigations for cold-boot compromise on models from Apple, Dell, Lenovo and all others made in the last 10 years.

Hardware hackers bring cold boot attacks out of the deep freeze Video If you can steal someone's laptop, leave it switched on in sleep mode, crack it open, hook up some electronics to alter...

Researchers break certificate authorities' domain validation Researchers based in Germany have discovered how to spoof certificates they don't own – even if the certs are protected by the...