Security News

IIS 6.0 users are heading towards new security dangers (Help Net Security)
2015-07-10 06:25

RiskIQ has discovered that 24 of the top 30 FTSE-listed companies in the UK are running web servers that will be out of support in less than a week, posing a potential security risk to both them and t...

Attackers actively downing Microsoft's IIS web servers (Help Net Security)
2015-04-17 13:41

Attackers are actively exploiting a DoS vulnerability (CVE-2015-1635) affecting Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) extensible web server, SANS ISC CTO Johannes Ullrich warns, and urges ad...

Attackers use ColdFusion flaw to install Microsoft IIS malware
2013-12-17 08:49 By Lucian Constantin IDG News Service December 16, 2013

Experts agree on method, not scope of IIS attacks
2004-07-01 11:34,10801,94221,00.html By Paul Roberts JUNE 30, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE One day after reports of Web site attacks surfaced, there was...