Security News

Ransomware and IP Theft: Top COVID-19 Healthcare Security Scares
2020-12-15 14:00

Beau Woods, a Cyber Safety Innovation Fellow with the Atlantic Council, founder and CEO of Stratigos Security and a leader with the I Am The Cavalry grassroots initiative, said that hospitals are facing widespread security threats from ransomware to data IP theft. In 2016, I led the authoring of a document called the Hippocratic Oath for Connected Medical Devices, which essentially was a translation of the ages-old Hippocratic Oath into a modern era, now that increasingly healthcare delivery is being undertaken by medical devices by electronic healthcare records and other systems that support the physicians.

Over 100 GE Healthcare Devices Affected by Critical Vulnerability
2020-12-08 18:01

More than 100 medical devices made by GE Healthcare are affected by a potentially serious vulnerability that could allow an attacker to access or modify protected health information, medical cybersecurity company CyberMDX reported on Tuesday. The vulnerability, which is tracked as CVE-2020-25179 with a critical severity rating, has been found to impact CT scan, molecular imaging, PET, X-Ray, ultrasound and mammography devices, as well as workstations and imaging devices used in surgery.

Severe MDHexRay bug affects 100+ GE Healthcare imaging systems
2020-12-08 12:00

A vulnerability in GE Healthcare's proprietary management software used for medical imaging devices could put patients' health privacy at risk. GE's closed source management software runs on top of the Unix-based operating system installed on medical imaging systems to enable remote maintenance and update procedures.

Insider Report: Healthcare Security Woes Balloon in COVID-Era
2020-12-07 17:19

Complimenting our focus is a Threatpost eBook Healthcare Security Woes Balloon in a Covid-Era World that neatly packages our complete in-depth report on the topic. Threatpost's eBook examines these inherent security challenges, as well as how COVID-19 has drastically reshaped the healthcare space over the past year when it comes to security risk.

Healthcare in Crisis: Diagnosing Cybersecurity Shortcomings in Unprecedented Times
2020-12-07 17:03

The pandemic's unprecedented impact on healthcare lay bare the gaping holes in the healthcare industry's cybersecurity defenses. Woods, who has worked for the past 10 years with small hospitals, healthcare focused nonprofits and government entities, added, "If technology goes offline, doctors and nurse practitioners can no longer give the quality of care that they were able to, or to as many people. Right now, with COVID-19, there's a dramatic rise in the attack surface and the number and types of systems that are being used," he said.

6 security predictions that will impact healthcare in 2021
2020-12-03 19:01

2021 is likely to see more of the same with a variety of threats and vulnerabilities affecting the healthcare industry. In a report released on Wednesday, security firm Kaspersky offers six predictions that will impact healthcare providers next year.

Raising defenses against ransomware in healthcare
2020-12-03 06:30

There are, of course, other factors that play a role in the attackers' preference for healthcare-related targets: the talent shortage for cybersecurity experts with healthcare expertise, the fact that most healthcare employees still don't make cybersecurity a priority, the fact that many of the devices and technologies they use run on antiquated operating systems - to name just a few. There might come a time when cybersecurity becomes a part of medical curriculums - in the meantime healthcare organizations can significantly lower the number of successful attacks with the proper defenses and training, DiMaggio notes.

Healthcare 2021: Cyberattacks to Center on COVID-19 Spying, Patient Data
2020-12-02 17:09

Intellectual property theft will join ransomware, cloud-stored patient data theft and advanced phishing efforts as the main hallmarks of medical-related healthcare cyberattacks for the new year. These cyberattacks will have ramifications for geopolitics, with the "Attribution of attacks entailing serious consequences or aimed at the latest medical developments is sure to be cited as an argument in diplomatic disputes."

CyberMDX integrates its Healthcare Security Suite into Philips Cybersecurity Services
2020-12-02 01:45

CyberMDX announced a partnership with Philips to integrate CyberMDX's Healthcare Security Suite into the newly introduced integrated Cybersecurity Services offered by Philips. Created as a platform for partnership with healthcare customers, the Philips Cybersecurity Services help define and implement strategic and tactical software and device protection.

Healthcare provider AspenPointe data breach affects 295K patients
2020-11-30 13:12

U.S. healthcare provider AspenPointe notified patients of a data breach stemming from a September 2020 cyberattack that enabled attackers to steal protected health information and personally identifiable information. AspenPointe is a nonprofit funded by Medicaid, state, federal, and local government contracts, as well as donations, that manages 12 organizations serving over 50,000 individuals and families every.