Security News
Google Play’s policy prohibits apps or SDKs that download executable code, such as dex files or native code, from a source other than Google Play
Google last week added a quarterly Android Ecosystem Security Transparency Report to its Transparency Report site. read more
Look Ma, no not much malware! Google has claimed to have cut Android malware by half.…
Out of the 2 billion Android users out there, the rate of potential malware infection is less than 1 percent across the board, Google says.
Dropbox strengthened its global collaboration platform by announcing partnerships and integrations that will give Dropbox Business customers access to security features they’ve been asking for....
Having taken what it thought was a decisive swipe at the problem of “abusive” advertising a year ago, Google now says next month’s Chrome 71 will unleash an even tougher crackdown.
DigiCert has executed a transfer of online trust, marked by the stable release of Chrome 70 that signals the end of Google’s Symantec root distrust plan. In the year since acquiring Symantec’s...
Google this week revealed plans to reach out to critical open source projects and invite them to integrate with OSS-Fuzz. read more
Google this week released the November 2018 set of security patches for its Android platform, which address tens of Critical and High severity vulnerabilities in the operating system. read more
The US government is reeling from a catastrophic, years-long intelligence failure that compromised its internet-based covert communications.