Security News

Hotel Internet Gateways Patched Against Remote Exploit (Threatpost)
2015-03-26 18:50

A critical vulnerability in a popular hotel and convention center Internet gateway from AntLabs called InnGate has been patched. The flaw allows attackers read and write access to the devices from...

Poorly trained IT workers are 'gateway for hackers'
2014-08-06 09:41 By Matthew Sparkes Deputy Head of Technology The Telegraph 06 Aug 2014

Amazon 'wish list' is gateway to epic social engineering hack
2013-08-29 07:09 By CHENDA NGAK CBS NEWS August 27, 2013

Symantec slams Web Gateway back door on would-be corporate	spies
2013-07-30 08:04 By John Leyden The Register 29th July 2013

Report: Stuxnet Hit 5 Gateway Targets on Its Way to Iranian	Plant
2011-02-14 09:23 By Kim Zetter Threat Level February 11, 2011 Attackers behind the Stuxnet computer worm focused on targeting five...