Security News

The Biden administration is expected to issue sanctions against crypto exchanges, wallets, and traders used by ransomware gangs to convert ransom payments into fiat money. With ransomware attacks against US interests and infrastructure escalating over the past two years, the White House has increased its efforts to disrupt ransomware operations.

In 2018, hackers famously compromised several cryptocurrency exchanges by compromising a popular software library used by most exchanges on the internet. Cryptocurrency exchanges are convenient, which means people will almost certainly continue to use them.

An ongoing campaign has been found to leverage a network of websites acting as a "Dropper as a service" to deliver a bundle of malware payloads to victims looking for "Cracked" versions of popular business and consumer applications. The attacks work by taking advantage of a number of bait pages hosted on WordPress that contain "Download" links to software packages, which, when clicked, redirect the victims to a different website that delivers potentially unwanted browser plug-ins and malware, such as installers for Raccoon Stealer, Stop ransomware, the Glupteba backdoor, and a variety of malicious cryptocurrency miners that masquerade as antivirus solutions.

Over the past two weeks, it has been busy with ransomware news ranging from a gang shutting down and releasing a master decryption key to threat actors turning to Microsoft Exchange exploits to breach networks. The FBI and CISA have also been busy, releasing advisories warning of ransomware attacks over holiday weekends, gangs targeting food and agriculture organizations, information about the 1% group, and IOCs for the Hive Ransomware.

The Conti ransomware gang is hacking into Microsoft Exchange servers and breaching corporate networks using recently disclosed ProxyShell vulnerability exploits. ProxyShell is the name of an exploit utilizing three chained Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities that allow unauthenticated, remote code execution on unpatched vulnerable servers.

The massive attack on Microsoft Exchange servers in March may have been China harvesting information to train AI systems, according to US government officials and computer-security experts who talked to NPR. The plundering of these Exchange systems was attributed to Chinese government cyber-spies known as Hafnium; Beijing denied any involvement. It's said the crew exploited four zero-days in Redmond's mail software in a chain to hijack the servers and siphon off data.

Details have emerged about a now-patched security vulnerability impacting Microsoft Exchange Server that could be weaponized by an unauthenticated attacker to modify server configurations, thus leading to the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information. The issue, tracked as CVE-2021-33766 and coined "ProxyToken," was discovered by Le Xuan Tuyen, a researcher at the Information Security Center of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group, and reported through the Zero-Day Initiative program in March 2021.

Microsoft Exchange uses two websites; one, the front end, is what users connect to in order to access email. "The front-end website is mostly just a proxy to the back end. To allow access that requires forms authentication, the front end serves pages such as /owa/auth/logon.aspx," according to a Monday posting on the bug from Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative.

Technical details have emerged on a serious vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Server dubbed ProxyToken that does not require authentication to access emails from a target account. An attacker can exploit the vulnerability by crafting a request to web services within the Exchange Control Panel application and steal messages from a victim's inbox.

CISA is warning about a surge of ProxyShell attacks, as Huntress discovered 140 webshells launched against 1,900 unpatched Microsoft Exchange servers. Over the weekend, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency issued an urgent alert that attackers are actively attacking ProxyShell vulnerabilities in unpatched Microsoft Exchange Servers, joining researchers in urging organizations to immediately install the latest Microsoft Security Update.