Security News

Android Trojan targets customers of 94 banks in US, Europe (Help Net Security)
2016-11-02 21:04

If you/ve recently installed a Flash Player Android app and now almost every app you open asks you for your payment card details, you’ve been infected with a banking Trojan. It is unclear where...

Cyber Europe 2016: Analyzing realistic cybersecurity incidents (Help Net Security)
2016-10-17 13:00

The European ICT Industry is one of the most advanced in the world. Making the EU’s single market fit for the digital age could contribute €415 billion per year to the economy and create hundreds...

Photos: IP EXPO Europe 2016 (Help Net Security)
2016-10-06 12:30

With six IT events under one roof, 300+ exhibitors and 300+ free to attend seminar sessions, IP EXPO Europe is taking place this week in London, UK. IP EXPO Europe now incorporates Cloud Europe,...