Security News

New Point-of-Sale Malware Steals Credit Card Data via DNS Queries
2018-02-09 10:03

Cybercriminals are becoming more adept, innovative, and stealthy with each passing day. They are now adopting more clandestine techniques that come with limitless attack vectors and are harder to...

DNS Servers Crash Due to BIND Security Flaw
2018-01-17 08:25

Updates released by the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) for BIND patch a remotely exploitable security flaw that has caused some DNS servers to crash. read more

'MaMi' Mac Malware Hijacks DNS Settings
2018-01-12 19:35

Researcher Patrick Wardle has analyzed what seems to be a new piece of malware designed to hijack DNS settings on macOS devices. The threat has other capabilities as well, but they do not appear...

Warning: New Undetectable DNS Hijacking Malware Targeting Apple macOS Users
2018-01-12 17:48

A security researcher has revealed details of a new piece of undetectable malware targeting Apple's Mac computers—reportedly first macOS malware of 2018. Dubbed OSX/MaMi, an unsigned Mach-O 64-bit...

Group Launches Secure DNS Service Powered by IBM Threat Intelligence
2017-11-17 17:39

A newly announced free Domain Name System (DNS) service promises automated immunity from known Internet threats by blocking access to websites flagged as malicious. read more

Free security tool protects Internet users through DNS
2017-11-16 20:45

IBM Security, Packet Clearing House (PCH) and The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) launched a free service designed to give consumers and businesses added privacy and security protection as they access...

Hacker Hijacks CoinHive's DNS to Mine Cryptocurrency Using Thousands of Websites
2017-10-24 23:42

When yesterday I was reporting about the sudden outbreak of another global ransomware attack 'Bad Rabbit,' I thought what could be worse than this? Then late last night I got my answer with a...

Android getting "DNS over TLS" to prevent ISPs from knowing what websites you visit
2017-10-23 01:29

No doubt your Internet Service Provides (ISPs), or network-level hackers cannot spy on https communications. But do you know — ISPs can still see all of your DNS requests, allowing them to know...

Akamai to Acquire DNS Security Firm Nominum
2017-10-11 21:52

Akamai Technologies announced on Wednesday that it has agreed to acquire Nominum, a privately-held provider of DNS security solutions for carriers and enterprises.  read more

Hackers Can Execute Code on Windows via DNS Responses
2017-10-11 07:55

One of the 62 vulnerabilities patched by Microsoft with the October security updates is a critical Windows flaw that allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on a targeted machine via...