Security News

Western Digital announced today that its network has been breached and an unauthorized party gained access to multiple company systems. "Upon discovery of the incident, the Company implemented incident response efforts and initiated an investigation with the assistance of leading outside security and forensic experts," Western Digital says in the disclosure.

US-based data storage company Western Digital has announced that it has suffered a network security incident that resulted in an unauthorized third party gaining access to a number of the company's systems and some company data. Western Digital identified the network security incident on March 26, 2023.

With cybersecurity incidents involving compromised credentials continually the most common cause of a data breach for enterprises – and account takeover for individuals, securing digital...

Ping Identity has launched early access to PingOne Neo, a multi-standards decentralized identity management solution. Neo improves data security, privacy, and control for individuals while reducing resource and compliance burdens for enterprises.

1,450 global consumers' experiences with passwordless authentication, hybrid identities, and ownership over personally identifiable information reveal that they want more convenience when it comes to identity credentials, according to Entrust. "The pace of commerce and business is moving faster than ever before, and as a result, our lives are becoming more digital," said Jenn Markey, VP of Payments & Identity at Entrust.

Investing in digital identity can improve security, increase clinical productivity, and boost healthcare's bottom line. From a clinical perspective, digital identity makes accessing technology completely transparent - invisible even.

Europe's proposed "Chat Control" legislation to automatically scan chat, email, and instant message communications for child sexual exploitation material ran up against broad resistance at a meeting of the German Parliament's Digital Affairs Committee on Wednesday. Chat Control 2.0 would make content scanning mandatory, even for encrypted communications - which would mean either content scanning prior to encryption or encryption keys managed by the service provider instead of the end user.

Resecurity identified one of the largest investment fraud networks by size and volume of operations created to defraud Internet users from Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, European Union, India, Singapore, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, the U.S. and other regions. Modus operandi of the group was focused on investment options in non-existing products and investment plans supposedly offered by the Fortune 100 corporations and state-owned entities.

As part of this, he listed a series of key questions that every organization should ask itself to properly understand the risks faced. Does the organization know what its "Crown jewels" are? Does the organization have a thoughtful security culture at all levels, or does everyone leave it to a security department that's off to one side, only to be contacted in an emergency? Has the organization put the right controls in place to assess the risks attached to its funding sources and partnerships, and to protect its supply chain? Does the organization have a strategic approach to managing the risks and have those risks been discussed at board level?

Digital forensics is growing while being more tied with incident response, according to the latest State of Enterprise Digital Forensics and Incident Response survey from Magnet Forensics. Digital forensics increasingly involved with incident response.