Security News

North Korea-Linked Hackers Target U.S. Defense Contractors (Security Week)
2017-08-14 14:51

The North Korea-linked cyber espionage group known as Lazarus is believed to be behind attacks targeting individuals involved with United States defense contractors, Palo Alto Networks reported on...

Identity-in-depth and the evolution of defense (Help Net Security)
2017-08-04 13:15

We’ve seen it over and over again: the parade of companies and government agencies announcing the impact of their latest breach. These players have something in common that you might not realize –...

Weaponizing machine learning to improve cyber defenses (Help Net Security)
2017-08-01 19:28

As defensive technologies based on machine learning become increasingly numerous, so will offensive ones – whether wielded by attackers or pentesters. The idea is the same: train the system/tool...

McAfee aims to strengthen human-machine defense teams (Help Net Security)
2017-07-28 17:35

“Today’s security teams are facing 244 new cyber threats every minute, amid a serious talent shortage. Siloed security, without automation, managed by overwhelmed teams is not a sustainable...

Two Iranians Charged in U.S. Over Hacking Defense Materials (Security Week)
2017-07-18 10:35

Two Iranians were indicted Monday in the United States with hacking a defense contractor and stealing sensitive software used to design bullets and warheads, according to the Justice Department. read more

Intel, Defense Bills Amended to Include Russian Hacking (Security Week)
2017-07-17 15:11

Intelligence and defense policy legislation passed last week shows that the United States government is increasingly concerned about cyberattacks, particularly attacks coming from Russia. read more

Google Security Researcher Pops Microsoft's AV Defenses (InfoRiskToday)
2017-06-27 13:02

In Response, Microsoft Has Patched Its Malware Protection EngineA Google security researcher has once again found a potentially devastating vulnerability in Microsoft's Malware Protection Engine,...

Businesses finally realize that cyber defenses must evolve (Help Net Security)
2017-06-22 18:30

Cybersecurity is finally getting the attention it deserves – it is only regrettable that this good news is the result of bad news: more numerous, complex, and damaging cyber attacks than ever...

Hardening the Workforce: Developing Cyber Defenses (InfoRiskToday)
2017-06-18 13:17

Former U.S. Chief Information Security Officer Gregory Touhill says the federal government must rethink how it hardens its workforce to prevent cyber attackers from succeeding. Organizations, he...