Security News

REvil gang member arrests strike fear among cybercriminals on the Dark Web
2022-01-24 20:07

Dark Web forum posts uncovered by Trustwave show that the recent arrests in Russia have triggered major concerns among fellow criminals. It's these arrests that appear to be causing fear among other cybercriminals.

Dark Web's Largest Marketplace for Stolen Credit Cards is Shutting Down
2022-01-18 02:03

UniCC, the biggest dark web marketplace of stolen credit and debit cards, has announced that it's shuttering its operations after earning $358 million in purchases since 2013 using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, and Dash. "Don't build any conspiracy theories about us leaving," the anonymous operators of UniCC said in a farewell posted on dark web carding forums, according to blockchain analytics firm Elliptic.

Researchers develop CAPTCHA solver to aid dark web research
2022-01-14 18:35

A team of researchers at the Universities of Arizona, Georgia, and South Florida, have developed a machine-learning-based CAPTCHA solver that they claim can overcome 94.4% of real challenges on dark websites. The collection of cyber-threat intelligence from illicit dark web markets and forums becomes challenging and expensive, as employees have to be involved in the CAPTCHA solving step.

2easy now a significant dark web marketplace for stolen data
2021-12-21 20:02

A dark web marketplace named '2easy' is becoming a significant player in the sale of stolen data "Logs" harvested from roughly 600,000 devices infected with information-stealing malware. "Logs" are archives of data stolen from compromised web browsers or systems using malware, and their most important aspect is that they commonly include account credentials, cookies, and saved credit cards.

Dark web market Cannazon shuts down after massive DDoS attack
2021-11-29 18:26

Cannazon, one of the largest dark web marketplaces for buying marijuana products, shut down last week after suffering a debilitating distributed denial of service attack. The admins posted that message on November 23, 2021, and today, Cannazon went offline, allegedly forever.

Most SS7 exploit service providers on dark web are scammers
2021-11-17 19:34

Are these hacking services as abundant as rumored, or is the dark web full of scammers that are merely waiting to snatch the money of aspiring spies? Analysts at SOS Intelligence have searched the dark web for providers of SS7 exploitation services and found 84 unique onion domains claiming to offer them.

Police arrest 150 dark web vendors of illegal drugs and guns
2021-10-26 14:41

Law enforcement authorities arrested 150 suspects allegedly involved in selling and buying illicit goods on DarkMarket, the largest illegal marketplace on the dark web when it was taken down in January 2021. The arrests are the result of a coordinated international operation dubbed Dark HunTOR that lasted ten months and involved police forces and investigators from nine countries.

Increased activity surrounding stolen data on the dark web
2021-10-21 03:30

Dark web activity the value of stolen data and cybercriminal behaviors, have dramatically evolved in recent years, according to a Bitglass research. Stolen data has a wider reach and moves more quickly Breach data received over 13,200 views in 2021 vs. 1,100 views in 2015 - a 1,100% increase.

How to keep your data off the Dark Web
2021-10-19 14:29

Data is a hot commodity on the Dark Web where people buy and sell sensitive information, much of it stolen through network breaches. A report released Tuesday by security provider Bitglass looks at how stolen data winds up on the Dark Web and offers advice on what you can do to better protect yourself and your organization.

Dark Web: Many cybercrime services sell for less than $500
2021-10-13 15:32

A ransomware kit costs as little as $66, though it needs to be modified, while a spearphishing attack can run as low as $100, says Altas VPN. Cybercrime can be a lucrative business for those who specialize in ransomware, phishing campaigns, and other types of attacks. The profit margins are especially healthy because cybercrime products and services often sell at bargain prices on the Dark Web.