Security News

Security updates released by Adobe on Tuesday patch several vulnerabilities in the company’s Dreamweaver, Flash Player and Connect products. Flash Player for Windows, Mac, Linux and...

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday updates for March 2018 fix a total of 75 vulnerabilities, including more than a dozen critical flaws affecting the company’s Edge and Internet Explorer web browsers. All...

Researchers on Tuesday disclosed over a dozen critical security vulnerabilities in several AMD chips, opening them up for attackers who want to steal sensitive data and install malware on AMD...

Security researchers said Tuesday they discovered flaws in chips made by Advanced Micro Devices that could allow hackers to take over computers and networks. Israeli-based security firm CTS Labs...

Samba released fixes for its networking software to address two critical vulnerabilities that allowed attackers to change admin password or launch DoS attacks.

Security researchers have discovered 13 critical Spectre/Meltdown-like vulnerabilities throughout AMD's Ryzen and EPYC lines of processors that could allow attackers to access sensitive data,...

If you’re a user of SecurEnvoy SecurMail and you haven’t yet implemented the latest patch, do so now – or risk getting your encrypted emails read by attackers. The warning comes from SEC Consult...

Multiple critical vulnerabilities impacting SecurEnvoy SecurMail could result in an attacker being able to read encrypted emails and even delete or overwrite messages in an inbox. read more

The Board of Directors (BoD) is ultimately responsible for the future of their company. Shareholders expect that the companies they have invested in will follow through on specific, well-informed...

Cisco has pushed out fixes for security vulnerabilities in a wide variety of its products, including two critical flaws in its Secure Access Control System (ACS) and its Prime Collaboration...