Security News

Corellium Responds to Apple's Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
2019-10-31 09:08

Corellium, the Florida-based virtualization company sued by Apple for creating replicas of the iOS operating system, has responded to the tech giant’s lawsuit. read more

Instagram phish poses as copyright infringement warning – don’t click!
2019-09-24 09:26

Your Instagram account has value to the crooks - so they're coming up with some cunning tricks to get at your passsword.

Will the EU’s new copyright directive ruin the web?
2019-02-18 11:50

Articles 11 and 13 live on, with the dreaded 'link tax', 'meme killer', 'censorship machine' and all.

Copyright Directive legislation voted down by European Parliament
2018-07-09 13:11

The EU has voted down controversial copyright legislation, but the war's not over: a second vote is scheduled for September.

Tech pioneers: new copyright law a step towards an internet of surveillance and control
2018-06-13 14:16

European copyright directive would be a step towards making the internet "a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users"

EU copyright reform proposal: 3 things businesses need to know
2018-06-08 20:10

The controversial copyright measure is making its way through the European Parliament ahead of a committee vote on June 20 and parliamentary vote in July or September.

Germany set to end copyright liability for open Wi-Fi operators (Help Net Security)
2016-05-12 16:26

People who travel to Germany are often surprised at the lack of public, open Wi-Fi networks. That’s because German law (Störerhaftung – “liability of duty”) holds operators of public hotspots...