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Cloud computing certifications can expand your skills and teach you how to navigate major cloud providers like Google Cloud or AWS. Specializations in certain cloud providers can serve as strong foundations for niche careers, while nearly all businesses use some form of cloud service. These courses teach how to perform cloud support in Microsoft Azure solutions and services, and how to adapt technology diagnostic skills specifically to IT and cloud problems.

The researchers used an approach dubbed 'blind quantum computing' to connect two quantum computing entities; this simulates the situation where an employee at home or in an office remotely connects to a quantum server via the cloud. Professor David Lucas, the co-head of the Oxford University Physics research team, said in a press release: "We have shown for the first time that quantum computing in the cloud can be accessed in a scalable, practical way which will also give people complete security and privacy of data, plus the ability to verify its authenticity."

Over 29% of IT leaders found that moving projects from on-premises to the cloud was more expensive than expected, while 65% said it was financially predictable. The cost-benefit analysis of cloud versus on-premises infrastructure varies greatly depending on the organization.

"Multi-cloud computing offers huge benefits but makes IT far more complex," said Bernie Hoecker, partner, Enterprise Cloud Transformation leader, ISG. "Enterprises that have made the leap are adopting increasingly powerful tools to manage that complexity." Cloud observability platforms are increasingly essential as multi-cloud complexity increases, the report says.

50% of respondents cited efficiency as the top motivator for cloud investments. Increased security is the second most important business driver for organizations investing in cloud computing, with 48% of respondents citing it as a key factor in their investment.

The Cloud Security Alliance released the Top Threats to Cloud Computing: The Pandemic 11 report, which found a marked change in what cloud security provider security issues are seen as concerning. New, more nuanced items, such as configuration and authentication, suggest both that consumers' understanding of the cloud has matured, and signals a technology landscape where consumers are actively considering cloud migration.

The global cloud computing market is expected to reach $1,554. Together with the simplicity of deployment and lower total cost of ownership, these advantages are likely to raise cloud computing demand throughout the forecast period, driving the market growth.

The cloud computing market value is set to grow by $287.03 billion from 2020 to 2025, as per the latest report by Technavio. YoY growth: 20.37%. Performing market contribution: North America at 40%. Key consumer countries: US, Germany, China, Japan, and UK. Regional cloud computing market analysis.

The global cloud computing market size is expected to reach $1,251. Increasing adoption of 5G, IoT, and AI is expected to further support the growth of the market for cloud computing.

Anodot announced the results of a survey that reveals how organizations struggle to control skyrocketing cloud computing costs of the remote workforce, even as business moves to a hybrid model. Most organizations having a hard time controlling cloud computing costs Fewer than 20% of survey respondents stated that they were able to immediately detect spikes in cloud costs.