Security News

Google Announces Quantum-Safe Digital Signatures in Cloud KMS, Takes “Post-Quantum Computing Risks Seriously”
2025-02-21 21:21

This news about Google Cloud Key Management Service is part of the tech giant’s post-quantum computing strategy.

Get a Lifetime of 1TB Cloud Storage for Only $60 With FolderFort
2025-02-18 17:00

Fast, affordable cloud storage isn’t always easy to find for businesses, but now you can have a massive amount with maximum security.

Balancing cloud security with performance and availability
2025-02-18 05:30

Your business can’t realize the many benefits of cloud computing without ensuring performance and availability in its cloud environments. Let’s look at some examples. Scalability: To scale your...

How CISOs can balance security and business agility in the cloud
2025-02-17 06:00

In this Help Net Security interview, Natalia Belaya, CISO at Cloudera, discusses common misconceptions about cloud security, the balance between protection and business agility, and overlooked...

Triplestrength hits victims with triple trouble: Ransomware, cloud hijacks, crypto-mining
2025-02-11 20:42

These crooks have no chill A previously unknown gang dubbed Triplestrength poses a triple threat to organizations: It infects victims' computers with ransomware, then hijacks their cloud accounts...

Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025
2025-02-04 11:00

As cloud security evolves in 2025 and beyond, organizations must adapt to both new and evolving realities, including the increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure for AI-driven workflows and the...

VMware plugs steal-my-credentials holes in Cloud Foundation
2025-01-30 22:00

Consider patching soon because cybercrooks love to hit vulnerable tools from Broadcom's virtualization giant Broadcom has fixed five flaws, collectively deemed "high severity," in VMware's IT...

The Advantages of Cloud-Based Remote Desktop versus RDP over VPN
2025-01-30 15:11

Remote work is now an essential part of many businesses, requiring organizations to rethink how they provide secure and efficient access to corporate resources. Learn from TruGrid about the...

TRIPLESTRENGTH Hits Cloud for Cryptojacking, On-Premises Systems for Ransomware
2025-01-23 05:35

Google on Wednesday shed light on a financially motivated threat actor named TRIPLESTRENGTH for its opportunistic targeting of cloud environments for cryptojacking and on-premise ransomware...

Stratoshark: Wireshark for the cloud – now available!
2025-01-22 18:19

Stratoshark is an innovative open-source tool that brings Wireshark’s detailed network visibility to the cloud, providing users with a standardized approach to cloud observability. Stratoshark...