Security News

Chinese-linked Muhstik botnet targets Oracle WebLogic, Drupal
2020-11-11 10:02

Muhstik is a botnet that leverages known web application exploits to compromise IoT devices, such as routers, to mine cryptocurrency. Although Muhstik botnet has been around for at least 2018, in December 2019, Palo Alto Networks had identified a new variant of the botnet attacking and taking over Tomato routers.

Czech Intel Report Targets Russian, Chinese Spies
2020-11-11 09:33

The Czech Republic's intelligence agency said Tuesday Russian and Chinese spies posed an imminent threat to the EU member's security and other key interests last year. All Russian intelligence services were active on Czech territory in 2019.

Bug Bounty Hunters Earn $1.2 Million at Chinese Hacking Competition
2020-11-09 12:17

Bug bounty hunters have earned a total of more than $1.2 million over the weekend at the 2020 Tianfu Cup International PWN Contest, a major hacking competition that takes place every year in China. The winner was a team representing Chinese cybersecurity firm Qihoo 360, which earned over $740,000.

Chinese hacking competition cracks Chrome, ESXi, Windows 10, iOS 14, Galaxy 20, Qemu, and more
2020-11-09 07:11

In 1965, Gordon Moore published a short informal paper, Cramming more components onto integrated circuits. In it, he noted [PDF] that in three years, the optimal cost per component on a chip had dropped by a factor of 10, while the optimal number had increased by the same factor, from 10 to 100.

Friday Squid Blogging: Peru Defends Its Waters against Chinese Squid Fishing Boats
2020-11-06 22:01

Squid geopolitics. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here.

Chinese APT Uses DLL Side-Loading in Attacks on Myanmar
2020-11-05 19:01

A Chinese threat actor is leveraging DLL side-loading for the execution of malicious code in attacks targeting organizations in Myanmar, Sophos security researchers reveal. DLL side-loading is a technique that uses malicious DLLs that spoof legitimate ones, and which relies on legitimate Windows applications to load and execute the code.

NSA Advisory on Chinese Government Hacking
2020-10-21 14:21

The NSA released an advisory listing the top twenty-five known vulnerabilities currently being exploited by Chinese nation-state attackers. This advisory provides Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures known to be recently leveraged, or scanned-for, by Chinese state-sponsored cyber actors to enable successful hacking operations against a multitude of victim networks.

NSA Lists 25 Vulnerabilities Currently Targeted by Chinese State-Sponsored Hackers
2020-10-21 11:06

The U.S. National Security Agency this week released an advisory containing information on 25 vulnerabilities that are being actively exploited or targeted by Chinese state-sponsored threat actors. The NSA notes that it has observed Chinese threat actors scanning for or attempting to exploit these vulnerabilities against multiple victims.

25 vulnerabilities exploited by Chinese state-sponsored hackers
2020-10-21 10:23

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has released a list of 25 vulnerabilities Chinese state-sponsored hackers have been recently scanning for or have exploited in attacks. "Most of the vulnerabilities [] can be exploited to gain initial access to victim networks using products that are directly accessible from the Internet and act as gateways to internal networks. The majority of the products are either for remote access or for external web services, and should be prioritized for immediate patching," the agency noted.

Chinese Hackers Target Cisco Discovery Protocol Vulnerability
2020-10-21 10:04

Chinese state-sponsored hackers are targeting a Cisco Discovery Protocol vulnerability that was disclosed earlier this year, the networking giant and the U.S. National Security Agency revealed on Tuesday. The list includes several vulnerabilities that were not known to have been targeted, including CVE-2020-3118, which impacts Cisco products.