Security News

Security Experts Zero-In on Today's Hot TopicsOn Tuesday, Information Security Media Group will host a Fraud & Breach Summit in Seattle that will focus on critical issues facing CISOs and their...

Despite the risks, 90% of business leaders said they lack the resources to defend against a cyber attack, according to a Nominent report.

Hugely popular news aggregation site Flipboard - one billion app downloads from Google Play and counting - has become the latest internet company to admit it has suffered a breach.

If you've bought a Foxes shirt lately, check your statements Leicester City Football Club has quietly told people who bought stuff from its website that their financial details have been stolen by...

After Privacy Law Went Into Full Effect, Data Security Complaints DoubledOne year after Europe's tough new GDPR privacy law went into full effect last May, authorities in Britain have seen the...

Note: We have updated this story to reflect new information after Stack Overflow changed its original announcement and shared more details on the security incident. Stack Overflow, one of the...

News and social media aggregator Flipboard revealed on Tuesday that it suffered a serious breach involving unauthorized access to some databases storing user account information. read more

AccessData Group, a leading provider of integrated digital forensics and e-discovery software, released AD Enterprise 7.1, a new version of its software for managing internal forensic...

One of the US’s most widely used vehicle license plate reader (LPR) companies, Perceptics, is reportedly investigating a data breach.

Moody's has revised its Equifax outlook from stable to negative, citing the effect of the 2017 data breach. This is the first time that a cybersecurity incident has resulted in a Moody's outlook...