Security News
From elephants to fish, there's no GDPR in the animal kingdom Boffins at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology are finally ready to switch on Icarus – a system that will track the migration of...
Heartbeat rhythms could be the next biometric authentication method Biometric systems could use the unique patterns from a person's ECG reading for biometric sign-ons.…
Cluster of rock and ice a sweltering 77K, we're told Astronomers have measured the temperature of one of Uranus’s rings, dubbed Epsilon, for the first time. The result: the cluster of ice and rock...
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then... Analysis The technology industry has numerous terms for sneaky software, including malware, adware, spyware, ransomware, and the ever...
DoS cyber-attacks are not just for websites, they may also be for aircraft ILS Video Aircraft instrument landing systems (ILS) are susceptible to radio signal spoofing using off-the-shelf...
While browsers have got their act together, any other apps interpreting user-supplied code need to be aware of this Google security researchers have analyzed the impact of the data-leaking Spectre...
Novel data-siphoning attack is hardware agnostic Some of the computer security boffins who revealed last year's data-leaking speculative-execution holes have identified yet another side-channel...
First proof-of-concept, SplitSpectre, requires fewer instructions in victim Analysis You've patched your Intel, AMD, Power, and Arm gear to crush those pesky data-leaking speculative execution...
Attack bots unleashed as major sites left wide open to abuse If you're one of those people who hates picking out cars, street signs and other objects in CAPTCHA image grids, then get used to it...
Subscribers using wireless calls wide open to attack Boffins from Michigan State University in the US and National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan have found that the Wi-Fi calling services...