Security News

Entrust Datacard raises the bar for zero factor authentication
2018-08-24 22:09

Entrust Datacard announced new capabilities for the company’s Mobile Smart Credential solution — including Bluetooth functionality which provides automated login and logout support across...

Good Primer on Two-Factor Authentication Security
2018-08-22 10:51

Stuart Schechter published a good primer on the security issues surrounding two-factor authentication. While it's often an important security measure, it's not a panacea. Stuart discusses the...

Vulnerability Could Allow Insider to Bypass CEO's Multi-Factor Authentication
2018-08-14 19:01

Vulnerability Allows a Second Factor for One Account to be Used for All Accounts in an Organization read more

Microsoft Flaw Allows Full Multi-Factor Authentication Bypass
2018-08-14 17:09

This is similar to taking a room key for a building and turning it into a skeleton key that works on every door in the building.

Black Hat 2018: Voice Authentication is Broken, Researchers Say
2018-08-10 14:58

Researchers crack voice authentication systems by recreating any voice using under ten minutes of sample audio.

Why your business should implement multifactor authentication
2018-08-06 22:02

Employees often resist cybersecurity procedures because they're inconvenient--but companies can't afford to indulge that sentiment. Cybersecurity must take precedence.

Attackers Circumvent Two Factor Authentication Protections to Hack Reddit
2018-08-02 12:38

Popular Community Site Reddit Breached Through Continued Use of NIST-Deprecated SMS Two Factor Authentication (2FA) read more

Reddit Says Attackers Bypassed SMS-Based Authentication
2018-08-02 12:18

TL;DR: Yes, Reddit Was Breached; No, Don't Dump Multifactor AuthenticationReddit suffered a data breach in June after attackers managed to bypass its SMS-based two-factor authentication system....

Reddit Breach Highlights Limits of SMS-Based Authentication
2018-08-02 00:55 today disclosed that a data breach exposed some internal data, as well as email addresses and passwords for some Reddit users. As Web site breaches go, this one doesn't seem too severe....

Reddit Breach Stems from SMS Two-Factor Authentication Breakdown
2018-08-01 18:33

A hacker has compromised Reddit's systems and was able to make away with email addresses and account credentials.