Security News
The FruityArmor APT group was using one of the Windows zero days patched by Microsoft last week to escape sandboxes and carry out targeted attacks.
Kaspersky Lab researchers have uncovered the StrongPity APT, a group that uses watering hole attacks to infect machines of users seeking encryption technologies such as WinRAR and TrueCrypt.
Investigating state-sponsored espionage and counterterrorism is one thing. Writing public reports about these activities is another.
Mike Mimoso talks to Kaspersky Lab Global Research and Analysis Team researchers Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade and Brian Bartholomew about a paper released at Virus Bulletin on deception tactics and...
APT gang Sofacy is targeting Mac OS X users with a Trojan that allows an attacker to execute remote commands on infected systems.
Microsoft security researchers have come up with an extension of the “Evil Maid” attack that allows attackers to bypass local Windows authentication to defeat full disk encryption: “Remote...
ProjectSauron, an APT attack platform, has been used since 2011 to target critical government, financial and communications organizations in a number of countries.
With more and more companies conducting their core business operations in the cloud, APTs have begun to target websites and web applications as a “soft spot” in the security architecture. Read...