Security News
![iOS 10.3: How Secure is Apple's Closed-Ended Operating System? (Forbes)](/static/build/img/news/alt/mac-stats-small.jpg)
![That link you clicked on? Yeah, it's actually Russian (The Register)](/static/build/img/news/alt/mac-stats-small.jpg)
![Apple finally teaches Android music app to validate certificates (The Register)](/static/build/img/news/alt/mac-stats-small.jpg)
![Flaw in Apple Music for Android Exposes User Data (SecurityWeek)](/static/build/img/news/alt/mac-stats-small.jpg)
![iPhone, Android hit by Broadcom Wi-Fi chip bugs: Now Apple, Google plug flaws (ZDNet)](/static/build/img/news/alt/mac-stats-small.jpg)
![Update Your Apple Devices to iOS 10.3.1 to Avoid Being Hacked Over Wi-Fi (The Hackers News)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyber-threat-stats-small.jpg)
Note: We have published a follow-up article with more technical details about this vulnerability which resides in Broadcom WiFi SoC equipped not only in Apple devices, but also in Android devices...
![Apple fans, Android world scramble to patch Broadcom's nasty drive-by Wi-Fi security hole (The Register)](/static/build/img/news/alt/Data-Cybersecurity-Predictions-2-small.jpg)
![Apple patches drive-by Wi-Fi flaw with emergency iOS patch (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/managed-security-small.jpg)
Less than a week after Apple pushed out iOS 10.3 comes an iOS emergency patch that all iDevice owners should implement as soon a possible. The security note accompanying iOS 10.3.1 says simply...
![Apple Updates iOS to Patch Wi-Fi Vulnerability (SecurityWeek)](/static/build/img/news/alt/mac-stats-small.jpg)
![With iOS 10.3, iDevices get new Apple File System with native encryption support (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybersecurity-attacker-small.jpg)
With iOS 10.3, iDevices get new Apple File System with native encryption support (Help Net Security)
On Monday, Apple released updates for its various products. As usual, they fix flaws and add capabilities, but the iOS update (v10.3) is more noteworthy than usual, as it will make all updated...