Security News > 2019

Criminals Confirm Florida City of Pensacola Hit, Threaten to Dump Stolen DataThe gang behind Maze ransomware now lists 21 alleged victims on its website that it says have not paid a demanded...

Cyber Leader Christopher Hetner on the Capacities, Skills Needed for Next Decade's Security LeadersWhat are the key experiences, capacities and skills needed by the next generation of...

A British national was sentenced on Friday for attempting to blackmail Apple by claiming he was in possession of a large database of iCloud and other Apple accounts. read more

Unauthorised users able to perform 'arbitrary code execution' A critical vulnerability found in Citrix Application Delivery Controller and Citrix Gateway (formerly known as Netscaler ADC and...

From more widescale, powerful distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, to privacy issues in children's connected toys, here are the top IoT disasters in 2019.

In this sponsored podcast, Threatpost sits down with Arctic Wolf's Matt Duench to discuss the lessons learned from this year's top data breaches.

A critical vulnerability in Citrix Application Delivery Controller (NetScaler ADC) and Citrix Gateway (NetScaler Gateway) could allow criminal access to the networks of 80,000 companies in 158...

Three members of the cybercriminal organization behind the infamous GozNym malware have been sentenced to prison. read more

Yes, people of UAE. That free govt-approved VoIP app that replaced all the banned encrypted chat apps A popular UAE messaging app has been reportedly used by the country's government to spy on its...

In today’s smartphone economy, hiding your location has become a major challenge.