Security News > 2019 > June

New Spelevo Exploit Kit Spreads via B2B Website
2019-06-28 14:07

A newly discovered exploit kit is being disseminated via a compromised business-to-business website, Cisco Talos security researchers report. read more

Report: Huawei's Firmware Riddled With Problems
2019-06-28 14:03

Huawei Has a 'Weak Security Posture,' Cybersecurity Firm ContendsThe firmware of more than 500 Huawei networking products is riddled with security weaknesses that make the vendor risky to use for...

How SMBs can better protect sensitive data against cyberattacks
2019-06-28 13:21

Know your enemy and know your risk are two pieces of advice offered in a new report from security company eSentire.

Industry Reactions to Nation-State Hacking of Global Telcos
2019-06-28 13:19

On June 25, 2019, Cybereason reported that hackers, most likely China's state affiliated APT10 group, had comprehensively hacked numerous telecommunications companies around the world. read more

Death of the VPN: Enterprise Security Needs New Foundations
2019-06-28 13:00

Twenty years in, enterprise VPNs occupy a uniquely solid position in a changing landscape.

$50 DeepNude app undresses women with a single click
2019-06-28 12:25

"I'm not a voyeur, I'm a technology enthusiast,” says the creator, who combined deepfake AI with a need for cash to get ka-CHING!

Baltimore Approves $10M in Funding for Cyber Attack Relief
2019-06-28 12:03

Baltimore City officials approved using $10 million in excess revenue to cover the ongoing cost of the cyber attacks that immobilized some of the city’s systems almost two months ago. read more

Cloudflare Calls Internet Outage 'Small Heart Attack'
2019-06-28 12:03

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report discusses Cloudflare's harsh criticism of Verizon over an internet outage it labeled as a "small heart attack." Plus: sizing up the impact of GDPR;...

Medtronic recalls hackable MiniMed insulin pumps
2019-06-28 11:43

Medtronic, the world’s largest medical device company, has issued a recall of some of its insulin pumps because they can be tampered with by attackers. About the vulnerable devices The affected...

Cellebrite Claims It Can Unlock Any iPhone
2019-06-28 11:35

The digital forensics company Cellebrite now claims it can unlock any iPhone. I dithered before blogging this, not wanting to give the company more publicity. But I decided that everyone who wants...