Security News > 2019 > June

Case Study: Moving to DevSecOps
2019-06-28 18:03

Since Sentara Healthcare adopted a DevSecOps approach, CISO Daniel Bowden says, his security team has gained improved visibility into the entire application development process.

Microsoft to Require Multi-Factor Authentication for Cloud Solution Providers
2019-06-28 18:01

It might be difficult to fathom how this isn't already mandatory, but Microsoft Corp. says it will soon force all Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs) that help companies manage their Microsoft Azure...

Mastercard on the Evolution of Authentication
2019-06-28 17:33

Fraud schemes have migrated in recent years, exposing inherent vulnerabilities in how most organizations authenticate users. Diego Szteinhendler of Mastercard outlines new strategies and tools for...

Some Medtronic Insulin Pumps Vulnerable to Hacker Attacks
2019-06-28 16:49

Medtronic and the US government have warned that some Medtronic MiniMed insulin pumps are vulnerable to hacker attacks that can have serious consequences for their thousands of users. read more

Italy Fines Facebook Over Cambridge Analytica Case
2019-06-28 15:47

Italy's data protection watchdog slammed Facebook Friday with a fine of one million euros ($1.1 million) for violating privacy laws over the Cambridge Analytica scandal. read more

Ex-Equifax CIO Gets 4-Month Prison Term for Insider Trading
2019-06-28 15:33

Prosecutors Say Jun Ying Sold Stock Before Data Breach Was Made PublicA former Equifax CIO who sold his stock in the company after learning about its 2017 data breach several months before the...

FDA Warns of Potentially Fatal Flaws in Medtronic Insulin Pumps
2019-06-28 15:14

The FDA sent out an urgent advisory warning of serious flaws in Medtronic's insulin pumps, which are used by thousands across the U.S.

"Silexbot" Malware Bricks IoT Devices
2019-06-28 14:58

A new piece of malware is targeting improperly secured Internet of Things (IoT) devices with the purpose of bricking them, Akamai’s security researchers have discovered. read more

Provider of Data Integration Services for Fortune 100 Firms Exposed Sensitive Files
2019-06-28 14:37

Attunity, a Qlik-owned data integration and big data management company whose solutions are used by over 2,000 enterprises and half of the Fortune 100 firms, exposed a significant amount of...