Security News > 2018 > April

Critical Infrastructure Threat Is Much Worse Than We Thought
2018-04-10 12:27

Adversaries Most Likely Want to Acquire a “Red Button” Capability That Can be Used to Shut Down the Power Grid read more

Another company’s been harvesting Facebook user data
2018-04-10 12:22

Like Cambridge Analytica, Cubeyou also gobbled users' data with personality quizzes, under the guise of "research."

How 5G could prevent Stingray-style surveillance and keep business travelers safer
2018-04-10 12:14

DHS official Christopher Krebs confirmed that the US government is aware of hackers using surveillance devices in Washington, DC since 2014.

Steps executives are taking to increase security while launching new ways to pay
2018-04-10 11:30

More than 80 percent of organizations that have been impacted by a data breach have introduced a new security framework and 79 percent have reduced employee access to customer data, according to...

DARPA Funding in AI-Assisted Cybersecurity
2018-04-10 11:11

DARPA is launching a program aimed at vulnerability discovery via human-assisted AI. The new DARPA program is called CHESS (Computers and Humans Exploring Software Security), and they're holding a...

Jail for white collar pirates who stole from Oracle
2018-04-10 10:31

The unequal struggle between software giant Oracle and services company Terix has finally concluded with the latter’s CEO and co-founder Bernd Appleby being handed two years in jail.

Ransomware: The new cost of doing business
2018-04-10 10:22

Atlanta's ransomware attack was just the beginning. Larry Dignan and Bill Detwiler explain why cyber-attacks are the new normal for business.

Facebook's Zuckerberg Takes First Drubbing In D.C.
2018-04-10 09:40

Florida Sen. Bill Nelson: 'Facebook Failed Us'Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg informally met with U.S. lawmakers on Monday ahead of his congressional testimony, where he is expected to face a...

Death in paradise: 'Cyber attack' takes out national government's IT
2018-04-10 09:35

Half of a tiny Caribbean island, population 42,000, but still Eeek! A nation’s entire government is staggering to its feet after being shut down for a week due to a "cyber attack".…