Security News > 2017 > August

We can’t rely black swans: Three areas to improve cyber policy now (Help Net Security)
2017-08-09 12:45

What will it take for cybersecurity policy to finally catch up to the digital age? I get this question often, and increasingly I worry that it will take a true “black swan” event to shock the...

Attacks on manufacturing industry continue to rise (Help Net Security)
2017-08-09 12:30

The frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks continues to rise globally according to research data in the Q2 Threat Intelligence Report released by NTT Security. Four findings are of extreme...

More on the Vulnerabilities Equities Process (Schneier on Security)
2017-08-09 11:40

Richard Ledgett -- a former Deputy Director of the NSA -- argues against the US government disclosing all vulnerabilities: Proponents argue that this would allow patches to be developed, which in...

Kenya Opposition Claims Vote Has Been Hacked (Security Week)
2017-08-09 11:37

Hackers broke into the database of Kenya's electoral commission and manipulated the results of the election, the leader of the country's opposition coalition alleged on Wednesday. read more

Firefox Makes Adobe Flash Click-to-Activate by Default (Security Week)
2017-08-09 11:17

Starting with the release of Firefox 55 this week, the Adobe Flash plugin is no longer active by default in Mozilla’s web browser, and users of the new version will be required to activate it for...

Fuzzing Tests Show ICS Protocols Least Mature (Security Week)
2017-08-09 10:11

Fuzzing tests conducted last year by customers of Synopsys, a company that provides tools and services for designing chips and electronic systems, revealed that protocols used in industrial...

How Top Companies Accidentally Leaking Terabytes of Sensitive Data Online (The Hackers News)
2017-08-09 10:10

An anti-malware detection service provider and premium security firm has been accused of leaking terabytes of confidential data from several Fortune 1000 companies, including customer credentials,...

U.S. Charges Two Iranians With Hacking, Credit Card Fraud (Security Week)
2017-08-09 07:38

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Tuesday that two Iranian nationals have been charged with credit card fraud and computer hacking. They were indicted in Columbia, South Carolina, where...

North Korea Campaigns Show Link Between KONNI and DarkHotel (Security Week)
2017-08-09 05:06

Decoy documents used in two recent cyber espionage campaigns apparently aimed at entities linked to North Korea show a connection between the DarkHotel attacks and a piece of malware named KONNI. read more

Self-Driving Cars Can Be Hacked By Just Putting Stickers On Street Signs (The Hackers News)
2017-08-09 03:28

Car Hacking is a hot topic, though it's not new for researchers to hack cars. Previously they had demonstrated how to hijack a car remotely, how to disable car's crucial functions like airbags,...