Security News > 2016 > December

This article outlines two different types of international phone fraud. The first can happen when you call an expensive country like Cuba: My phone call never actually made it to Cuba. The...

Today's Android Security Bulletin included a patch for the Dirty Cow vulnerability, a seven-year-old Linux bug that had yet to be patched by Google.

A new Google program OSS-Fuzz is aimed at continuously fuzzing open source software and has already detected over 150 bugs.

Yale University Press has published a facsimile of the Voynich Manuscript. The manuscript is also available online....

If you’re a white hat and you want to continue being one, knowing what laws and industry regulations allow or not allow (or require or not require) you to do is of crucial importance. It’s also a...

A research paper describes vulnerabilities enabling distributed guessing attacks which allow an attacker to collect payment card data across a number of sites without triggering alerts.

Researchers are tracking a new wave of DDoS attacks that rival Mirai when it comes to intensity and scope.

Shamoon attackers with their Disttrack wiper malware have hit Saudi Arabian entities again. The Saudi government confirmed the latest breaches on Thursday, and for now the identity of only one...

EFF is dismayed by the cavalier attitude by law enforcement over warrantless searches of trillions of phone records and its refusal to turn over documents.

Tenable Network Security solicited insights from 700 security practitioners in nine countries and across seven industry verticals to calculate a global index score reflecting overall confidence...