Security News > 2005

Clique and Dagger
2005-04-13 10:17

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Hanna Rosin Washington Post Staff Writer April 12, 2005 If he is confirmed this month as the...

Microsoft releases patches for 18 separate flaws
2005-04-13 10:16,10801,101033,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan APRIL 12, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD After a rare lull in March, Microsoft Corp. today released...

Indian call center workers charged with Citibank fraud
2005-04-08 05:55,10801,100900,00.html By John Ribeiro APRIL 07, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE BANGALORE, India -- Former employees of a call center...

Red Hat patches critical hole
2005-04-05 05:05,10801,100860,00.html by Matthew Broersma APRIL 04, 2005 TECHWORLD.COM Red Hat Inc. is warning enterprise Linux users to update...

Malaysia car thieves steal finger
2005-04-05 05:05 By Jonathan Kent BBC News, Kuala Lumpur 31 March, 2005 Police in Malaysia are hunting for members of a violent gang who chopped off a car...

Hacker jailed for three years
2005-04-05 05:04 Stockholm April 5, 2005 A Hungarian who cracked the computer system of Swedish mobile...

China to improve Internet safety
2005-04-05 05:04 Xinhua 2005-04-03 China is expected to pass a new set of rules and regulations to gradually establish an Internet emergency...

Ten questions about Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
2005-03-31 06:39,10801,100646,00.html Opinion by Kim Getgen Reconnex MARCH 30, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Imagine this scenario: You are a CIO at a publicly...

Re: France puts a damper on flaw hunting (Part II)
2005-03-30 06:35

Forwarded from: Kitetoa at (Part I of Kitetoa translation on this ruling is at: - WK] How many bytes do have to copy to...

ISPs, telecoms join to 'fingerprint' Internet attacks
2005-03-29 12:55,10801,100695,00.html By Paul Roberts MARCH 28, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE Leading global telecommunications companies, Internet service...