Security News

VeraCrypt Patches Critical Vulnerabilities Uncovered in Audit (Threatpost)
2016-10-18 17:42

An audit of open source file and disk encryption software VeraCrypt wrapped up and a number of critical vulnerabilities uncovered in the assessment were patched.

Four vulnerabilities found in Dell SonicWALL Email Security virtual appliance application (Help Net Security)
2016-10-12 12:30

Digital Defense (DDI) disclosed the discovery of four security vulnerabilities found in the Dell SonicWALL Email Security virtual appliance application. The appliance is frequently deployed as a...

Adobe Fixes 81 Vulnerabilities in Acrobat, Reader, Flash (Threatpost)
2016-10-11 18:02

Adobe patched 81 vulnerabilities, including a handful of critical bugs, in Acrobat, Reader, and Flash on Tuesday.

Vulnerabilities in Insulin Pumps Can Lead to Overdose (Threatpost)
2016-10-04 17:16

Researchers are warning patients who use insulin pumps made by Johnson & Johnson this week that vulnerabilities in the devices could be exploited to trigger an overdose.