Security News

As browser rivals block third-party tracking, Google pitches 'Privacy Sandbox' peace plan
2019-08-22 21:14

Disclaimer: No advertisers were harmed in making this project On Thursday, Google reminded everyone who might have forgotten that "privacy is paramount to us" and announced an initiative called...

Kaspersky Antivirus Flaw Exposed Users to Cross-Site Tracking Online
2019-08-15 10:48

In this digital era, the success of almost every marketing, advertising, and analytics company drives through tracking users across the Internet to identify them and learn their interests to...

Instagram boots ad partner for location tracking and scraping stories
2019-08-09 13:07

A “preferred Facebook Marketing Partner” is alleged to have tracked millions of Instagram users' locations and stories.

Microsoft's new vulnerability tracking service is about IT productivity
2019-08-09 10:23

With so many threats and vulnerabilities to deal with, just knowing which actions you should prioritize can be hard. The new Threat & Vulnerability Management service from Microsoft should help.

AWDL flaws open Apple users to tracking, MitM, malware planting
2019-07-31 09:48

Vulnerabilities in Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL), the wireless protocol that underpins Apple’s AirPlay and AirDrop services, could allow attackers to track users in spite of MAC randomization,...

Adult Sites Lack Privacy, Open the Door for Harassment and Tracking
2019-07-19 20:48

Third-party tracking is rampant on sites like Pornhub, with users' sexual preferences on full view.

Bluetooth Flaws Could Allow Global Tracking of Apple, Windows 10 Devices
2019-07-17 17:29

Identifying tokens and random addresses, meant to create anonymity, do not change in sync on some devices -- opening an attack vector.

T-Mobile launches Roambee BeeAware, a narrowband IoT asset tracking solution
2019-07-17 00:00

T-Mobile is now in the asset tracking business. T-Mobile for Business will sell the first asset tracking solution, Roambee BeeAware, on a Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) network in the United States. This...

Bluetooth LE’s anti-tracking technology beaten
2019-07-16 11:19

Researchers have found a way to beat the MAC address randomisation feature used by Bluetooth to protect users from being tracked.

Blockchain for drugs: IBM, Walmart pilot prescription medication tracking
2019-06-13 12:12

KPMG and Merck are among the companies that will collaborate in an FDA program to evaluate using blockchain to protect pharmaceutical products.