Security News

Ransomware attacks continue to dominate the threat landscape
2020-09-15 13:40

Cybercriminals are increasingly exploiting the Cobalt Strike testing toolkit to carry out ransomware campaigns, says Cisco Talos Incident Response.

Review: Web Security for Developers: Real Threats, Practical Defense
2020-09-15 03:30

After a short lesson in internet history, the author puts the reader in the shoes of the attacker and explains how simple it is to hack a website, as well as how easy it is to obtain and apply hacking tools. The author proceeds to offer basic knowledge about how the internet, browsers, web servers and programmers work.

How does XDR improve enterprise security in the face of evolving threats?
2020-09-11 04:00

Attacks can tuck in between security silos created as a result of disconnected solution alerts and gaps during security triaging and attack investigations. As presented in the IDC InfoBrief, 23 percent of companies say that their security teams spend more time maintaining and managing security tools instead of conducting actual security investigations.

Product Overview: Cynet Takes Cyber Threat Protection Automation to the Next Level with Incident Engine
2020-09-10 13:00

These three components together provide what Cynet calls Autonomous Breach Protection - essentially breach protection on auto-pilot. Cynet automates many tasks associated with threat detection response and cross-environment remediation including infected hosts, compromised user accounts, malicious processes and attacker-controlled network traffic.

Now that's a somewhat unexpected insider threat: Zoombombings mostly blamed on rogue participants, unique solution offered
2020-09-10 06:06

This makes sense when you consider that more meetings require passwords or passcodes, to avoid these sorts of hijackings, thus making rogue participants, particularly in a classroom setting, a more common threat. "Our findings indicate that the vast majority of calls for zoombombing are not made by attackers stumbling upon meeting invitations or bruteforcing their meeting ID, but rather by insiders who have legitimate access to these meetings, particularly students in high school and college classes," the researchers said.

Cynet Takes Cyber Threat Protection Automation to the Next Level with Incident Engine
2020-09-09 08:21

These three components together provide what Cynet calls Autonomous Breach Protection - essentially breach protection on auto-pilot. Response Automation Cynet automates many tasks associated with threat detection response and cross-environment remediation, including infected hosts, compromised user accounts, malicious processes, and attacker-controlled network traffic.

Mapping the motives of insider threats
2020-09-08 04:30

Insider threats can take many forms, from the absent-minded employee failing to follow basic security protocols, to the malicious insider, intentionally seeking to harm your organization. Insider threats can be loosely split into two categories - negligent and malicious.

Cybersecurity after COVID-19: Securing orgs against the new threat landscape
2020-09-08 04:00

Mobile rootkits, virtual home invasions of well-known public figures and Bluetooth Low Energy attacks are among the other attack types to prepare for in the next year. These new methods, in tandem with a surge in counter IR, destructive attacks, lateral movement and island hopping, make for a perilous threat landscape.

How to protect yourself from the hidden threat of evasive scripts
2020-09-07 04:00

Scripts can also be used for malicious purposes, and malicious scripts are unlikely to be detected or blocked by the average antimalware solution. While Emotet is one example of threat that uses scripts as part of its evasive strategy, there are many other types of script-based evasion techniques organizations need to be aware of to keep their systems secure.

iProov launches system of global threat intelligence for biometric assurance
2020-09-04 02:30

iProov has launched the world's first system of global threat intelligence for biometric assurance. iSOC's threat intelligence provides forewarning of major new attacks and enables iProov to prepare and defend against them.