Security News
North Korean hackers are using trojanized versions of the PuTTY SSH client to deploy backdoors on targets' devices as part of a fake Amazon job assessment. A novel element in this campaign is the use of a trojanized version of the PuTTY and KiTTY SSH utility to deploy a backdoor, which in this case, is 'AIRDRY.V2'.
"This family borrows heavily from the original Mirai source code, but what separates it from other IoT malware families is its built-in capability to brute force credentials and gain access to SSH servers instead of Telnet as implemented in Mirai," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said in a report. The malware, which gets its name from an embedded URL to a YouTube rap music video in an earlier version, is said to have amassed a growing collection of compromised SSH servers, with over 3,500 unique IP addresses used to scan and brute-force their way into the servers.
A new botnet called 'RapperBot' is being used in attacks since mid-June 2022, focusing on brute-forcing its way into Linux SSH servers to establish a foothold on the device. Over the past 1.5 months since its discovery, the new botnet used over 3,500 unique IPs worldwide to scan and attempt brute-forcing Linux SSH servers.
SSH is a tool I use every single day to log into remote Linux servers and take care of my admin tasks. Here are my five most straightforward tips for securing SSH on your Linux machines.
You don't want that, but how do you prevent such a reality? One way is to enable two-factor authentication on the server. How do you set up SSH 2FA on your Ubuntu Server? Let me show you.
It's one of the more flexible and powerful terminal applications on the Linux market and it has a rather pleasant, SSH-centric surprise for you an SSH Manager plugin. Figure B. How to use the SSH Manager plugin.
Cisco has released security updates to address a high severity vulnerability in the Cisco Umbrella Virtual Appliance, allowing unauthenticated attackers to steal admin credentials remotely.Fraser Hess of Pinnacol Assurance found the flaw in the key-based SSH authentication mechanism of Cisco Umbrella VA. Cisco Umbrella, a cloud-delivered security service used by over 24,000 organizations as DNS‑layer security against phishing, malware, and ransomware attacks, uses these on-premise virtual machines as conditional DNS forwarders that record, encrypt, and authenticate DNS data.
SEE: 40+ open source and Linux terms you need to know. Your first question might be "Why would you need to do this?" As I said, I do a lot of testing, so I have several Linux servers on a LAN that need to be able to send out emails.
Kali Everything Image - An all-packages-in-one solution now available to download. Kali-Tweaks Meets SSH - Connect to old SSH servers using legacy SSH protocols and ciphers. As the first version of the new year, the Kali Team has performed a visual refresh adding new backgrounds for the desktop, login, and boot displays, and a new installer theme.
Cisco Systems has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple Cisco products that could be exploited by an attacker to log in as a root user and take control of vulnerable systems. Tracked as CVE-2021-40119, the vulnerability has been rated 9.8 in severity out of a maximum of 10 on the CVSS scoring system and stems from a weakness in the SSH authentication mechanism of Cisco Policy Suite.