Security News

Apple fixes zero-day vulnerabilities used to covertly deliver spyware (CVE-2023-32435)
2023-06-22 10:23

Apple has released patches for three zero-day vulnerabilities exploited in the wild. Referencing Kaspersky's findings, Apple says that those last two vulnerabilities "May have been actively exploited against versions of iOS released before iOS 15.7.".

Apple squashes kernel bug used by TriangleDB spyware
2023-06-21 20:26

Whoever is infecting people's iPhones with the TriangleDB spyware may be targeting macOS computers with similar malware, according to Kaspersky researchers. In the security shop's ongoing analysis of the smartphone snooping campaign - during which attackers exploit a kernel vulnerability to obtain root privileges and install TriangleDB on victims' handsets - Kaspersky analysts uncovered 24 commands provided by the malware that can be used for a range of illicit activities; everything from stealing data, to tracking the victim's geolocation, and terminating processes.

Apple fixes zero-days used to deploy Triangulation spyware via iMessage
2023-06-21 18:31

Apple addressed three new zero-day vulnerabilities exploited in attacks installing Triangulation spyware on iPhones via iMessage zero-click exploits. The attacks started in 2019 and are still ongoing, according to Kaspersky, who reported in early June that some iPhones on its network were infected with previously unknown spyware via iMessage zero-click exploits that exploited iOS zero-day bugs.

New Report Exposes Operation Triangulation's Spyware Implant Targeting iOS Devices
2023-06-21 13:30

More details have emerged about the spyware implant that's delivered to iOS devices as part of a campaign called Operation Triangulation. The Russian cybersecurity company has codenamed the backdoor TriangleDB. "The implant is deployed after the attackers obtain root privileges on the target iOS device by exploiting a kernel vulnerability," Kaspersky researchers said in a new report published today.

Android spyware camouflaged as VPN, chat apps on Google Play
2023-06-19 15:22

Three Android apps on Google Play were used by state-sponsored threat actors to collect intelligence from targeted devices, such as location data and contact lists. The malicious Android apps were discovered by Cyfirma, who attributed the operation with medium confidence to the Indian hacking group "DoNot," also tracked as APT-C-35, which has targeted high-profile organizations in Southeast Asia since at least 2018.

Paragon Solutions Spyware: Graphite
2023-06-08 11:30

Paragon Solutions is yet another Israeli spyware company. Their product is called "Graphite," and is a lot like NSO Group's Pegasus.

Android security update fixes Mali GPU flaw exploited by spyware
2023-06-06 13:19

Google has released the monthly security update for the Android platform, adding fixes for 56 vulnerabilities, five of them with a critical severity rating and one exploited since at least last December. The new security patch level 2023-06-05 integrates a patch for CVE-2022-22706, a high-severity flaw in the Mali GPU kernel driver from Arm that Google's Threat Analysis Group believes it may have been used in a spyware campaign targeting Samsung phones.

Pegasus-pusher NSO gets new owner keen on the commercial spyware biz
2023-05-30 19:15

Spyware maker NSO Group has a new ringleader, as the notorious biz seeks to revamp its image amid new reports that the company's Pegasus malware is targeting yet more human rights advocates and journalists. The new owner is a Luxembourg-based holding firm called Dufresne Holdings controlled by NSO co-founder Omri Lavie, according to the report.

Android apps with spyware installed 421 million times from Google Play
2023-05-30 14:38

A new Android malware distributed as an advertisement SDK has been discovered in multiple apps, many previously on Google Play and collectively downloaded over 400 million times. In the background the trojan SDK checks the Android device's sensor data to confirm that it's not running in a sandboxed environment, commonly used by researchers when analyzing potentially malicious Android apps.

Alien versus Predator? No, this Android spyware works together
2023-05-27 01:23

The Android Predator spyware has more surveillance capabilities than previously suspected, according to analysis by Cisco Talos, with an assist from non-profit Citizen Lab in Canada. The software, which is designed to spy on and extract data from the devices it's slipped into, is available for Google Android and Apple iOS. In its deep dive published on Thursday, which examines the Android version of the code, Talos suggests Alien is more than just a loader for a Predator, and that the two work in combination to enable all kinds of espionage and intelligence-gathering activities on compromised devices.