Security News

Canada Spy Agencies Split Over Proposed Huawei 5G Ban: Media
2019-11-13 19:07

Canada's spy agencies are divided over whether or not to ban Chinese technology giant Huawei from fifth generation (5G) networks over security concerns, the Globe and Mail reported Wednesday. read more

Twitter Spy Case Highlights Risks for Big Tech Platforms
2019-11-11 01:30

The allegations of spying by former Twitter employees for Saudi Arabia underscore the risks for Silicon Valley firms holding sensitive data which make the platforms ripe for espionage. read more

NSA to Congress: Our spy programs don’t work, aren’t used, or have gone wrong – now can you permanently reauthorize them?
2019-11-06 21:26

Senators: Um, no. The NSA was unable to give a single example of how one of its most controversial spying programs has been useful in the fight against terrorism in a Congressional hearing on...

DarkUniverse APT Emerges to Deliver Sophisticated, Targeted Spy Attacks
2019-11-06 16:26

The group was exposed after a ShadowBrokers leak.

China-Linked Hackers Spy on Texts With MessageTap Malware
2019-10-31 16:54

Chinese state-sponsored hackers are attacking telecom networks to sniff out SMS messages that contain keywords revolving around political dissidents.

Chinese Hackers Compromise Telecom Servers to Spy on SMS Messages
2019-10-31 14:34

A group of Chinese hackers carrying out political espionage for Beijing has been found targeting telecommunications companies with a new piece of malware designed to spy on text messages sent or...

Czech Police, Intelligence Bust Russian Spy Network
2019-10-21 14:00

Czech police and intelligence services said on Monday they had busted a Russian espionage network operating through its Prague embassy. It was allegedly set up to attack Czech and foreign targets...

Soldering spy chips inside firewalls is now a cheap hack, shows researcher
2019-10-14 12:01

The tiny ATtiny85 chip doesn’t look like the next big cyberthreat facing the world, but sneaking one on to a firewall motherboard would be bad news for security were it to happen.

Sophisticated Spy Kit Targets Russians with Rare GSM Plugin
2019-10-10 16:54

The Attor malware targets government and diplomatic victims with unusual tactics.

On Chinese "Spy Trains"
2019-09-26 11:21

The trade war with China has reached a new industry: subway cars. Congress is considering legislation that would prevent the world's largest train maker, the Chinese-owned CRRC Corporation, from...