Security News

Do you want speed or security as expected? Spectre CPU defenses can cripple performance on Linux in tests
2021-06-22 03:02

The mitigations applied to exorcise Spectre, the family of data-leaking processor vulnerabilities, from computers hinders performance enough that disabling protection for the sake of speed may be preferable for some. "Before Spectre mitigations, those system calls hardly slowed down userspace execution at all."

New Spectre Flaws in Intel and AMD CPUs Affect Billions of Computers
2021-05-07 04:52

A team of academics from the University of Virginia and University of California, San Diego, have discovered a new line of attack that bypasses all current Spectre protections built into the chips, potentially putting almost every system - desktops, laptops, cloud servers, and smartphones - once again at risk just as they were three years ago. The disclosure of Spectre and Meltdown opened a floodgates of sorts, what with endless variants of the attacks coming to light in the intervening years, even as chipmakers like Intel, ARM, and AMD have continually scrambled to incorporate defenses to alleviate the vulnerabilities that permit malicious code to read passwords, encryption keys, and other valuable information directly from a computer's kernel memory.

New Spectre-Like Attacks
2021-05-05 15:35

There's new research that demonstrates security vulnerabilities in all of the AMD and Intel chips with micro-op caches, including the ones that were specifically engineered to be resistant to the Spectre/Meltdown attacks of three years ago. The new line of attacks exploits the micro-op cache: an on-chip structure that speeds up computing by storing simple commands and allowing the processor to fetch them quickly and early in the speculative execution process, as the team explains in a writeup from the University of Virginia.

New Attacks Slaughter All Spectre Defenses
2021-05-03 20:56

All defenses against Spectre side-channel attacks can now be considered broken, leaving billions of computers and other devices just as vulnerable today as they were when the hardware flaw was first announced. Published on Friday by a team of computer scientists from the University of Virginia and the University of California, San Diego, describes how all modern AMD and Intel chips with micro-op caches are vulnerable to this new line of attack, given that it breaks all defenses.

Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Can Be Exploited to Bypass Spectre Mitigations
2021-03-30 12:17

Recent Linux kernel updates include patches for a couple of vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to bypass mitigations designed to protect devices against Spectre attacks. Symantec reported on Monday that Piotr Krysiuk, a member of its Threat Hunter team, has identified two new vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel that can be exploited to bypass mitigations for the Spectre vulnerabilities.

New Bugs Could Let Hackers Bypass Spectre Attack Mitigations On Linux Systems
2021-03-29 04:49

Cybersecurity researchers on Monday disclosed two new vulnerabilities in Linux-based operating systems that, if successfully exploited, could let attackers circumvent mitigations for speculative attacks such as Spectre and obtain sensitive information from kernel memory. While CVE-2020-27170 can be abused to reveal content from any location within the kernel memory, CVE-2020-27171 can be used to retrieve data from a 4GB range of kernel memory.

Using memory encryption in web applications to help reduce the risk of Spectre attacks
2021-03-25 06:00

As Google security engineers pointed out, these mechanisms do not prevent the Spectre exploit, but rather "Protect sensitive data from being present in parts of the memory from which they can be read by the attacker." To further reduce the risk of data leakage, website owners should add an extra line of defense to protect the actual data in memory in the event that all other security controls.

Exploiting Spectre Over the Internet
2021-03-18 11:17

Google has demonstrated exploiting the Spectre CPU attack remotely over the web: Today, we’re sharing proof-of-concept (PoC) code that confirms the practicality of Spectre exploits against...

Google Releases Spectre PoC Exploit For Chrome
2021-03-16 14:01

Google has released proof-of-concept exploit code, which leverages the Spectre attack against the Chrome browser to leak data from websites. Three years after the Spectre attack was first disclosed, researchers with Google have now released a demonstration website that leverages the attack, written in JavaScript, to leak data at a speed of 1 kilobyte per second when running on Chrome 88 on an Intel Skylake CPU. The researchers said they hope the PoC will light a fire under web application developers to take active steps to protect their sites.

Google Releases PoC Exploit for Browser-Based Spectre Attack
2021-03-15 11:37

Google last week announced the release of proof-of-concept code designed to exploit the notorious Spectre vulnerability and leak information from web browsers. In 2019, the Google team responsible for Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine said that the attack can't be mitigated at the software level, arguing that security boundaries in browsers should be aligned with low-level primitives, such as process-based isolation.