Security News

New Spectre-Style 'Pathfinder' Attack Targets Intel CPU, Leak Encryption Keys and Data
2024-05-08 14:17

Researchers have discovered two novel attack methods targeting high-performance Intel CPUs that could be exploited to stage a key recovery attack against the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)...

It's 2024 and Intel silicon is still haunted by data-spilling Spectre
2024-04-10 20:22

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New Spectre v2 attack impacts Linux systems on Intel CPUs
2024-04-10 17:19

Researchers have demonstrated the "First native Spectre v2 exploit" for a new speculative execution side-channel flaw that impacts Linux systems running on many modern Intel processors. Spectre V2 is a new variant of the original Spectre attack discovered by a team of researchers at the VUSec group from VU Amsterdam.

Researchers Uncover First Native Spectre v2 Exploit Against Linux Kernel
2024-04-10 09:26

Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed what they say is the "first native Spectre v2 exploit" against the Linux kernel on Intel systems that could be exploited to read sensitive data from the...

SLAM Attack: New Spectre-based Vulnerability Impacts Intel, AMD, and Arm CPUs
2023-12-09 11:52

Researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have disclosed a new side-channel attack called SLAM that could be exploited to leak sensitive information from kernel memory on current and...

Linux kernel logic allowed Spectre attack on 'major cloud provider'
2023-04-14 06:27

"The kernel failed to protect applications that attempted to protect against Spectre v2, leaving them open to attack from other processes running on the same physical core in another hyperthread," the vulnerability disclosure explains. Linux kernel 6.0 debuts, Linus Torvalds teases 'core new things' coming in version 6.1 Older AMD, Intel chips vulnerable to data-leaking 'Retbleed' Spectre variant Apple gets lawsuit over Meltdown and Spectre dismissed Boffins release tool to decrypt Intel microcode.

Older AMD, Intel chips vulnerable to data-leaking 'Retbleed' Spectre variant
2022-07-12 16:00

Older AMD and Intel chips are vulnerable to yet another Spectre-based speculative-execution attack that exposes secrets within kernel memory despite defenses already in place. "Unlike its siblings, who trigger harmful branch target speculation by exploiting indirect jumps or calls, Retbleed exploits return instructions," explained Wikner and Razavi in a draft blog post about the design bug provided to The Register.

Another data-leaking Spectre bug found, smashes Intel, Arm defenses
2022-03-15 09:22

Intel this month published an advisory to address a novel Spectre v2 vulnerability in its processors that can be exploited by malware to steal data from memory that should otherwise be off limits. Spectre is one of two closely related chip architecture blunders, details of which emerged in 2018; the other being Meltdown that The Register first highlighted.

New Exploit Bypasses Existing Spectre-V2 Mitigations in Intel, AMD, Arm CPUs
2022-03-12 22:10

Researchers have disclosed a new technique that could be used to circumvent existing hardware mitigations in modern processors from Intel, AMD, and Arm and stage speculative execution attacks such as Spectre to leak sensitive information from host memory.Attacks like Spectre are designed to break the isolation between different applications by taking advantage of an optimization technique called speculative execution in CPU hardware implementations to trick programs into accessing arbitrary locations in memory and thus leak their secrets.

Intel fails to get Spectre, Meltdown chip flaw class-action super-suit tossed out
2022-01-28 01:18

The Register broke the Meltdown story on January 2, 2018, as Intel and those who confidentially reported the security vulnerability were preparing to disclose them. To defend against Meltdown and Spectre, Intel and other affected vendors have had to add software and hardware mitigations that for some workloads make patched processors mildly to significantly slower.