Security News

Security Alert, August 17, 2001: Multiple Vulnerabilities in ISA 2000 Server, IIS 5.0, and IIS 4.0; DoS Condition in Windows NNTP Service
2001-08-18 08:31

**** This Security Alert is brought to you by the Windows IT Security channel on the Windows 2000 Magazine Network ****

Hackers penetrate America Online's ICQ Web servers
2001-06-27 06:56,4125,NAV47-68-84-88_STO61694,00.html By JENNIFER DISABATINO June 26, 2001 Two servers for the instant messaging service ICQ were cracked yesterday, defacing...

DoubleClick Admits Servers Were Hacked
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NT still most hacked web server platform
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Java Security Hole Makes Netscape Into Web Server
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